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HDT Breasts does not work after loading racemenu preset made without HDT


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Hello everyone

I need your help

I made a new char based on my friend's racemenu preset. That preset was made without breasts physics. Belly and butt physics works fine. Breasts do not.

My main char works fine, everything is ok.

Question is: is there any option to fix that?

I tried overwriting body meshes with ones built with bodyslide HDT preset. Still nothing.

New game, new char, when I load racemenu preset (or load saved file) - physics works for a less than a second, there is a sound of clothes changing and than physics just stop. Belly still works fine.

I spent almost 2hrs making my new char's face. Please, don't tell me to load nif file from racemenu to working body and do it all over again... Maybe there is some smarter way.

Thank you very much for your help!


Edit: ok, I figured out how to make it work ^^ Topic can be closed or deleted.


Merry Christmas!

Edited by Hildigard
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