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False "save corruption" during gameplay


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after playing with diferent mods configurations and such, i can almost confirm that the problem triggers in the crafting menu, most the time, in the forge, not in the tanning rack, or other crafting menus from campfire or ineed, so im starting to get suspicious about immersive armors and warmonger armory

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I had the save corruption happen again but i reverted back to a save before and continued forwards while avoiding the area that caused the problem, havent had it since in this save, can craft as much as i care and no NPC dialogue issues. Not that im still not paranoid every 10 mins about it happening...since thats a habit now.

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I had tried running several different types of groups by themselves, without issue. I had 3 different types, NPC additions (Warzones, Immersive Wenches, population increasers, etc), Armor/weapons additions - crafting overhauls, etc, and I want to say scripting heavy overhaul type mods like convenient horses, wildcat, stuff like that. Run one at a time, and even 2 at a time I never had an issue.

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I removed Frostfall, iNeed, Wet and Cold and Campfire...my game is now stable.


Not saying it's these 4 for everyone...but it was for me.

Yeah, cause I don't even run those to begin with... I played around with them some time ago, but they never stayed in a normal run.

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If I was playing Interesting NPCs on Skyrim SE right now, I would get the SE versions by either Triptherift or Kris Takahashi from the 3DNPC.com site. Triptherift's version can be found going to her site which is listed under her mod The Kids are Alright.

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