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False "save corruption" during gameplay


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12 hours in the bug is nowhere to be found. I'm a bit confused, really. I'm trying long sessions, added DynDoLod and WarZones on top of rather heavy load order, did some big crafting sessions (with "Immersive Jewelry" which adds ton of staff in crafting menu)... but everything seems fine. Maybe it IS a specific mod's fault after all?

Things I didn't use this time:
- SkyUI

- iNeed

- Falskaar
- Qaxe's Questorium (SSE version removed by author)

- SkyBirds and SkyTest

- plus a couple of small outdated mods

My thoughts: sometimes installed mod creates staff in Skyrim directory when it's launched. FNIS does that, some SKSE-based mods too. Maybe, just maybe, we got this harmful staff which isn't removed during uninstall?
It was complete re-install this time - I've deleted all mods and Skyrim folder, even the documents folder with saves and .ini files. Maaaaaybe it helped?
Or it's just luck and I'll get the bug eventually =))

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I think the last. I have 249 mods now, including all the ones you name as having left out except for Falskaar, and I'm still getting the Bug but only very rarely. I suspect you might be in the same position as me.


JLeavey has gone quiet on me. I don't know why that is.



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Yes, Tony, you mentioned this a number of times before, and when I asked you for advice about this you passed on a message which boiled down to "get rid of most of your mods." I'm very glad that you have never encountered the Bug, and I get that you think you have a system which means you never will, but you seem reluctant to share what that system actually is.


I applied the "containermenu.swf" fix to SkyUI 2.2, and that seems considerably to have reduced the incidence of the Bug in my game at the cost of making storing items a huge faff, but it hasn't got rid of it completely.


Bottom line is, you don't know what's causing the Bug any more than we do, and you therefore can't tell us *why* your system means you aren't getting it. You conjecture that it's because we're installing mods haphazardly and with no system or procedure, which is certainly not the case where I am concerned, and you seem content to leave it at that. Do you have any new information to share with us?



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Lethiel: I am thoroughly enjoying the game with no corrupted saves and having a grand old time with it. Is that a reason to rant aggresively on me? if the positions were reversed i would be happy for you. Nothing but baby kittens and rainbow thoughts.


You received tried and true advice that has helped hundreds on our sites and you made it clear that if it meant letting go of this and that mod then the game was not worth it. I respected that. Does not mean it was bad advice.


In my opinion, Skyrim is worth playing as it is. Plain vanilla, nothing added. If I can add a mod to it without issues then it is gravy on an already tasty steak (having steak in a few minutes, can't wait). If the mod causes any gried then the mod goes. But forcing skyrim to act in a certain way when it cannot just because you are enamored of the mods you use is in my opinion folly.


Modding skyrim for 6 years has given us an excellent feel for what Skyrim can and cannot handle, and what mods are likely to cause or not cause problems.


But my food is ready, wife is calling. I can smell the steak.


Gotta go.

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Lethiel: you is a fiery spirited lass! Reminds me of Cattie-Brie, before her second life , forgotten realms npc. May you never lose that.


I will just fade into the wall and pipe in if I am blessed with any more gems of wisdom or supernatural insight.


the hour is late, good night fellow adventurers.

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I'm really not. I'm a pussycat. Some lasses I know on the net would eat you for breakfast, extra crispy. :) Sweet dreams.


*turns to rest of virtual room*


What can we learn from this? Tonycubed2's friend's advice to me, as you can see if you look back, was simply "get rid of two-thirds of your mods." Didn't say which, didn't say why. Now, as I understand it, Skyrim was designed by Bethesda to be moddable, within certain clearly defined limits (no more than 255 active esps including DLCs). If this advice is both sound and sufficient, then that argues that, since the last game update, those limits have severely shrunk. (They haven't, of course--people here are successfully running hundreds of mods thanks to Merge Plugins, and one day when I get my nerve back I'll be asking for help on which mods I can and can't merge--but let's assume they have, and that that is why we're getting the Bug.) Shouldn't Bethesda have let us know about that? "Sorry, now you can only have eighty active esps, otherwise your game will go wrong" or something like that?


All we want is information, from an authoritative source. If Bethesda come back and say, no, we've tested the game engine out thoroughly and it works fine, the problem is somewhere in your mod list, I'll accept that. I am not a troublemaker. I'll still want to know what's causing the Bug, but at least that avenue will be explored and found not helpful. If someone on here pops up and says "I've got it! It's running, I don't know, Apachii hair mods in conjunction with Convenient Horses, Solitude Expansion and Inigo that does it, and this is why [explanation]. Get rid of one of those and the Bug will be gone"...then we'll know. End of problem.


But when people come over like a combination of a Miraak Cultist and Chico Marx in A Day At The Races ("Loverly tootsy-frootsy ice cream...") saying they have an infallible system and then clamming up when you ask what it is...that may be well-intentioned, but it doesn't add anything to our store of knowledge. The question remains unanswered.


What is causing the Bug?


That's all we want to know.



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