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False "save corruption" during gameplay


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As a game developer myself - two players reporting the bug of a thousand installs? Not much can be done here.
I mean, what can engineers do? Even if they had the weeks to revise the code of the whole game, it's still a needle in a very big haystack. How do they even decide that the bug is fixed?

That's why I have more hope reserved for SKSE guys.

And, yes, intensive modding can break our games. Skyrim engine is bad and weird, and things are happening to it in the middle of a playthrough all the time. I'm currently at a "very high" radiation level if we'll use tonycubed's analogy and probably can't add any more mods. I can feel the heavy script load and the whole construction will probably collapse on my head in a few hours. But! Previously, much lighter setup would be enough to trigger the bug. So... I probably didn't do the small thing which triggers it? Maybe I'll still do this thing as the time goes on =)

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I'm really not. I'm a pussycat. Some lasses I know on the net would eat you for breakfast, extra crispy. :smile: Sweet dreams.


*turns to rest of virtual room*


What can we learn from this? Tonycubed2's friend's advice to me, as you can see if you look back, was simply "get rid of two-thirds of your mods." Didn't say which, didn't say why. Now, as I understand it, Skyrim was designed by Bethesda to be moddable, within certain clearly defined limits (no more than 255 active esps including DLCs). If this advice is both sound and sufficient, then that argues that, since the last game update, those limits have severely shrunk. (They haven't, of course--people here are successfully running hundreds of mods thanks to Merge Plugins, and one day when I get my nerve back I'll be asking for help on which mods I can and can't merge--but let's assume they have, and that that is why we're getting the Bug.) Shouldn't Bethesda have let us know about that? "Sorry, now you can only have eighty active esps, otherwise your game will go wrong" or something like that?


All we want is information, from an authoritative source. If Bethesda come back and say, no, we've tested the game engine out thoroughly and it works fine, the problem is somewhere in your mod list, I'll accept that. I am not a troublemaker. I'll still want to know what's causing the Bug, but at least that avenue will be explored and found not helpful. If someone on here pops up and says "I've got it! It's running, I don't know, Apachii hair mods in conjunction with Convenient Horses, Solitude Expansion and Inigo that does it, and this is why [explanation]. Get rid of one of those and the Bug will be gone"...then we'll know. End of problem.


But when people come over like a combination of a Miraak Cultist and Chico Marx in A Day At The Races ("Loverly tootsy-frootsy ice cream...") saying they have an infallible system and then clamming up when you ask what it is...that may be well-intentioned, but it doesn't add anything to our store of knowledge. The question remains unanswered.


What is causing the Bug?


That's all we want to know.




I'm with you on that Lethiel, I'm still trying to get the bug to re-emerge, as I said I'm playing with a purged/bashed/merged loadorder of about 160 mods way down from the 190 that I was originally using and have yet to re-encounter the blasted bugger! If it is gone yay but then what caused the corruption in the very first place! THAT I would like to know as well ...

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Exactly, and I'd have thought Bethesda would as well. :) Quite apart from anything else, if the word on the virtual street is going to be "don't add any more mods, and lose most of the ones you have," where's the incentive for modders to make any more? And if the modding community shrinks, then, while I'm sure there will be clean-limbed hardy souls like tonycubed2 who, despite being experienced modders, are somehow happy to play the vanilla game indefinitely (kill this, kill that, kill them, kill those...), I think the playerbase will shrink as well, rather than growing. Not good news. Might even impact on the uptake for ESVI...


Ramagast, as regards the haystack, if we're right about the Bug only having emerged since the last update, then it isn't quite that big. They just have to look at the things they changed then. Which will be a big enough job, but by definition humanly achievable.


And yes, we are few, but as I said lo these many pages ago, for every one of us whingeing on here about the Bug, there'll be at least ten who got it and just stopped playing, or whinged somewhere else, or who grit their teeth, curse Bethesda and put up with it. Still not a lot, but more than two.


Courage, mes braves.



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Kill is good. If I wanted to build I would play Sims 4. Hmmm have you considered it? No killing, though house fires are possible and kids can be taken away by social workers.


We actually finish quests all the time. But we like to kill a couple hundred things along the way.


There are over a hundred documented skyrim bugs that are documented , along with fixes, and Bethesda has not acted on them. And those are easy fixes, already layer out for them. And you think that they will spend time and money looking for an intermittent issue that only a tiny few ever see? Really?



To lose weight a gr at number of foods must be avoided. We do not like it. Pizza should be diet food. But it's not. So do I then stop eating altogether? (Is that a word?). No, we dont stop eating. We carefully pick our meals and track calories. Analogy fits skyrim perfectly. Carbs are my radioactivity. Fatty foods are those mods you wont let go off. All I tried to do was help you obtain a beautiful lean body.


I will post a detailed idea today for you. A duet so to speak. Driving now.

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No, I haven't played any Sims, though earlier incarnations of it turn up with astonishing regularity in our local charity shops. It gives the impression of being rather too much like real life for me. Yes, I know, there's no pleasing me. Except there is. Modded Skyrim pleases me. And once I've gone through the main quest and the DLCs, I shall hang up my sword and bow, bung my armour on a mannequin if I can catch one, and really start to enjoy myself. Hopefully.


I was as surprised as anyone when JLeavey responded positively to my message. Since they did, though, I haven't seen any reason why they would not then stand by what they said and at least look into it. And forgive me, but you don't know that only a tiny few ever see this Bug. You only know that a tiny few have come together in this thread to talk about it, and that your group doesn't get it. There may be people reporting it all over the internets, and far more, as I said, not bothering.


I shall look forward to reading your detailed idea.



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Oh, me too. Practically everything kryptopyr made that uses SKSE, just for a start. And Real Estate. I really wanted that back.


Well, if it gets too hard I can always download and reinstall Oldrim, and OldSKSE, and have fun building up my list there again. I bet there have been some interesting developments while I've been on SSE.



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Lets say our hypothesis is as follows:
That there is a mod or type of mod that can trigger the so called fake corruption bug. Since the majority of users (over 50 percent is a safe bet or the stink would be bigger) are not seeing the bug, we can surmise that it is caused by particular load orders containing said trigger mod (probably some sissy landscape beautifying mod or some such rubbish). We will not be able to guess at what is triggered until we need what mod or mod types serve as triggers. If we can narrow it down to a type of mod or a mod then we can disect it until we have a very good idea of what is the problem.
But alas how do we narrow it down? Lets say you have 200 mods. The fastest way to see which mod / mod types are causing the bug is to divide by two over and over again.
So from those 200 uninstall 100. Temporarily, calm down. Take a deep breath.
Start a new game, play until you are sure bug is gone or bug shows up.
If gone then from the removed 100 install 50. If bug shows up from the latest 50 you just installed remove 25. Test again.
Start a new game, play until you are sure bug is gone or bug shows up.
If still gone from the remaining 50 install 25 . If it shows up from the last 25 install 12. Test again.
Repeat until you either find the guilty mod or all mods are installed with bug gone, in which case it was all in your mind.
note: when removing mods for testing I suggest you do so by types. This will help determine if certain mod types are causing the bug.

Alternatively, uninstall all your mods and install 25 at a time, testing until sure bug is gone or it shows up. Then if found subtract mods by half as we did above, or if not found add 25 more.
In all cases when adding mods or removing mods a new game is required.
Obviously this will take time, but if the time is invested will yield fruit. heck, you do this diligently enough the next elder scrolls will be out and then who cares.
Or not...
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Ah, yes, binary search. As discussed way back at the beginning of this thread. I haven't tried it myself, but others have, without success. Which is why we came to the logical conclusion that it was not a single mod that was causing the Bug. So that isn't our hypothesis.


You're really finding it hard to shake off this idea that we're all a bunch of ignorant, deluded newbies who need to be led by the hand, aren't you? :) I pass over the remark about "sissy landscape beautifying mods," since that's obviously you being provocative for the sake of it. Not sure why, unless you think it looks cute. It doesn't, but I'll take it in exchange for "kill this, kill that." :)


"All in your mind," though, is frankly offensive. I have worked with computers and complex electronics, in one job and another and then in my hobbies, for quite long enough, and I count quite enough techies among my close friends, to know that it is by no means as simple as that; there is a distinct element of voodoo involved. The printer at my last office that had to be switched off and then on again every time you wanted it to print springs to mind as a real-world example, and there are stranger ones. If I were to go through binary search, reinstall all my mods, and find the Bug *apparently* gone, there are many possible reasons, without involving mental failure on my part.


Well, that's disappointing. I was hoping for some small portion of the legendary wisdom of your élite group, some guidance on your infallible system for mod installation and load order ("loverly tootsy-frootsy ice cream..."), and what I get is instructions on the correct sucking of eggs. I could find that in a Facebook group.


Thanks anyway. I'm sure you mean well.



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