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False "save corruption" during gameplay


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Enb settings for se: I spent weeks looking for the enb settings to give me dark nights. Meaning realistic dark knights. Depending on cloud cover and moons I wanted realistic darkness where across the river wood river I could see shapes but not faces and details. Took forever. Not sure if that's what you want.
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Tried to send you a message, but said you couldn't receive anymore, I don't want to hijack the thread here. If you go to my profile, and then topics, it's the only one I've posted, not quite what I was looking for, but close.


I'm currently uninstalling a bunch of follower mods that I don't use (I find it sad there's a distinct lack of khajiit followers in game) save for the normal few I do actually run nearly all game lol. I removed a lot of the world space edits, ivarstead, helarchen creek, darkwater crossing, karthwasten and kynesgrove, soljund's sinkhole, and several player houses.


I really wish the 3 added homes in hearthfire actually had some distinction between the 2, and weren't exactly cookie cutter replicas for 90% and then 10% change depending how you actually design the build with which options...

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It's not me honey it's you!


I have been grinding my teeth for over a month with this stupid frigging bug. I thought it was me . I fiddled with load orders, fiddled with my comp,cleaned, rinsed and repeated, dropped mods, logged in and out from alt start dungeon etc. Now it's at the point that I can start a new game and play for hours, but the moment I log out it's gone and no tricks will let me reload it. After giving up and returning to Oldrim I came back, reinstalled and tried again- same thing. I recall reading a while back and many pages ago someone saying Beth wanted people to send their logs or something to help define... prove? the problem. Funny that. Because I just found a Beth fix. "Publisher Bethesda ....have a patch out that fixes game-breaking save-game corruption issue which has caused a number of players... grief. "


Not only does it prevent save game corruption... it restores previous corrupted saves so they are playable again.

The only problem ? It's not for Skyrim, it's for one of their new games PREY. What do I take from this ?


1. It's highly likely it's not you or your computer, but a fault of the game engine, and Beth must know that.


2. This is a problem Bethesda has had to deal with just recently


3. They are perfectly capable of fixing it with a patch if sufficiently motivated AND only a patch and nothing you can do will fix it.


4. Complaints from players may not be sufficient motivation, but complaints from IGN game reviewers sure as heck is.


We can only hope that now they will stop sitting on their hands and do a similar fix for Skyrims SE's game-breaking save-game corruption issue. If they don't, maybe someone with connections can ask the writer to do a followup story about similar problems with Skyrim SE.


You can find details of the Betheseda Not For Skyrim but another game save corruption fix at the link below. I suspect you will find it very familiar. I can tell you that this makes me feel a little disrespected as a player, and just a little miffed





Edited by Fridayjt
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I don't think there was any doubt that it was Beth's fault, I think a lot of people here were looking into what was making it worse, and causing it to surface faster.


That is for a different game though, different engine (AFAIK), and so far, I don't think there was anyone here who's experienced the issue running less than 20 or so mods, or playing the base game without mods. We can however, hope that it is indeed a patchable engine issue that Beth will firstly figure out what's causing it (they may also not know) and care enough to actually fix it. I'm honestly surprised they did decide to continue working on some patches after the SE version released, because they had stated years ago that support for Skyrim was basically done.

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I have tried playing with nothing but the DLC after a fresh download and the bug was back within an hour. If you go back through the articles it's interesting to note that many players made complaints and nothing was done. As they were a small group amongst all those playing there are many blame the player posts from people saying they had never had the problem themselves. It was only when an IGN reviewer caught the bug and found the game unplayable and wrote about it, that they made a fix. You are probably right though, different engine, and different in that they are trying to sell the game and a review like that could kill it. Many of us playing SE got the game for free and there may not be enough motivation to fix a problem that only bedevils some.


Just edited to add one last thought. DO they need to understand the problem in order to fix it? It's a serious question. Could the cause be ignored and just treat the symptoms? i.e a fix that prevents save corruption without knowing what caused it?

Edited by Fridayjt
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Ah, I may have skipped some people indicating they were getting the bug without mods, I did skip a large chunk of this particular thread. Here is hoping though, and hoping that more people decide to make their mods with the SE kit, instead of the oldrim and just porting, to help avoid more trouble in the future.


I am well aware that adding many mods into a game, especially when said mods aren't correctly made, can cause a lot of issues, so I'm a bit more lenient on those things because I mod the crap out of my game.


There has been an increasing number of users lately, that just absolutely bash Beth for certain mod authors doing bad ports, and use SKSE required mods when there is no SKSE64 yet, and somehow that's all magically Beth's fault. Or people who give bad reviews on Skyrim with 0.3 hours played because Bethesda is "forcing them to pay for mods."


I had a point to this, but I think it was to just rant, I'm bored. lol

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I really hope PREY's issue is similar to ours. When I was testing last night, the save game got corrupted within no less than 7 minutes - that's how long the game was running according to Steam.


Beth's games have always suffered from save game corruption but AFAIK that was on Gamebryo engine games (and the saves were gone for good) and PREY runs on CRYENGINE - so is it even possible that the corruption issues are related? Sadly, it doesn't say (or I overlooked it) whether corrupted PREY saves can be reloaded after restarting the game.



Here is hoping though, and hoping that more people decide to make their mods with the SE kit, instead of the oldrim and just porting, to help avoid more trouble in the future.


Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to happen. From what I've heard, the new CK is buggy and doesn't work well compared to the old one. =(

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I have tried playing with nothing but the DLC after a fresh download and the bug was back within an hour. If you go back through the articles it's interesting to note that many players made complaints and nothing was done. As they were a small group amongst all those playing there are many blame the player posts from people saying they had never had the problem themselves. It was only when an IGN reviewer caught the bug and found the game unplayable and wrote about it, that they made a fix. You are probably right though, different engine, and different in that they are trying to sell the game and a review like that could kill it. Many of us playing SE got the game for free and there may not be enough motivation to fix a problem that only bedevils some.


Just edited to add one last thought. DO they need to understand the problem in order to fix it? It's a serious question. Could the cause be ignored and just treat the symptoms? i.e a fix that prevents save corruption without knowing what caused it?

Now, this is interesting.

Say, did you remove Skyrim directory and did a clean install?

New .ini files or old ones?

I had this nagging feeling that it could be .ini setting for ages. Some mods install their own .ini tweaks and they could persist between installations. Can you look if you have these .ini's in your "Data" folder?

This is the very first mentioning of bug happening with no mods at all.


I wouldn't focus on PREY here. It's made by another studio on a completely different engine. Nothing that breaks or fixes PREY should be relevant for Skyrim.

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Is everyone using BethINI? I am. Haven't touched uGridsToLoad or anything like that though.


Mods that I know (and use) that come with custom INIs:

- Verdant



- Majestic Mountains


SFO also comes with its own custom INI, but I think we can disregard SFO+Verdant because they only change grass settings. USSEP and AS LAL are used by such a large amount of people that it's unlikely that one of them could be the culprit. I'll generate some fresh INIs without BethINI (so the default ones from the launcher) and see if my saves corrupt anyways.

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