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False "save corruption" during gameplay


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Same for me. I almost never see the FPS counter go below 60. Seeing 58-59 very rarely.


This is at 1440p with ENB and 2K-4K textures. Current setup: i7 7770K (OC), 32GB RAM, GTX 1080ti (OC) and running Skyrim off a M.2 SSD


I find it very strange if dipping a couple of frames would cause this kind of problem.


I'm only a step below you, 6700K (no OC though, not yet), 32GB 2.4GHz (IIRC) RAM, GTX 1070FTW and dual Samsung 850 EVO's in a RAID 0. SATA 3 I think. Been a while since I refreshed on the exact specs. I'm onl running 1080p though, highest my monitors will go.


And honestly, even though I do run a LOT of mods, my string count is relatively low most of the time, and if I were to uninstall just 1-2 mods I'd be well below 33K strings. The biggest time I ever notice script lag though is when I'm trying to loot bodies from my horse (convenient horses) and there's a few NPCs around to interact. It will take a moment for the options to come up, but a little later on, even if there's just one option, the dialogue may not even come up at all. I doubt that's directly related to CH though.


I plan to add in a few crafting mods to my "unmodded" game and see if I can narrow down what the issue might be. If I remember right, my last save was at 169K encumbrance and I had just bought out several vendors (trying to troubleshoot maybe the link between inventory and crafting).


I have a feeling though, that what may be happening, is that all these different leveled list injectors and stuff (Book of UUNP, Immersive Armors) are overloading the engines capability to handle everything (Beth may have coded it JUST to handle what was in game, let's say running at 85% capacity, and when ONE mod comes along and adds 50 new records, that pushes it to 99% capacity, then add another 1-2 armor mods that adds a single set of stuff, and there's 102%, and only when records are accessed (looting a body, crafting a new piece) the assets are loaded into the engine, and gets to the point where the engine can't handle it, and "corrupts" the data because it ran out of allocation. And reloading the game refreshes the allocation and resets the (insert correct technical term here) and everything's good, until you load another game, run around and craft and browse your inventory (already having access to those things in your inventory) it happens again a little faster.


Just a theory at the time, but it suits my play style.


*edit* OK, so I installed Ars Metallica, a bunch of armor stuff that ONLY affects crafting, no leveled lists or anything, and so far going through all of my inventory twice, smelting at least one of every item I had and browsing through the crafting menus a few times has yet to reproduce corruption.


*edit 2* I've run through and smelted, crafted, viewed menus, and everything, and each save I make, I'm loading up into resaver. My save files are consistently around 2.6-2.74MB. I notice that a lot of my older save files were reaching easily double this amount. BUT I can also say this is a relatively fresh game, and I've traveled to a few major cities, bought out merchant inventories, and NOT done any significant questing. That could be part of it.


Is anyone here running a dead body cleanup mod AND have gotten the corrupt save? I know Tony hasn't, but it'll help me nail down a few other theories to test. Next I'm going to load up a bunch of NPC adding mods and run around everywhere to see if that causes it, and if so, run with a body cleanup mod after to see if there's a change. (I've thought about this some, and the only issues are that Warzones and OBIS both have integrated body cleanup. These 2 shouldn't affect that, and these are pretty much the only NPC adders that I use that would probably affect it. I'll still try it though.)


*edit 3* Just spent a good hour spawning creatures, killing them, and repeating (not a fan of fire/lightning storm and overall have spawned about 500 mudcrabs, and a few hundred stormcloak soldiers, and various bandits. moved areas and repeated. Corpses everywhere, and still no corruption. Haven't looted anything, but save file is now about 5.35MB.


*edit 4* installed warzones, obis, made a bat file that spawns 20 NPCs next to me, and installed an auto looter. Sequence is to charge blizzard, release, at the time of release, run bat file that spawns characters, they all die, auto loot loots all corpses and I run about 20 yards and repeat. I've covered most of whiterun plains this way, still no corruption. Save file size 5.13MB strings 30.1K.

Edited by Gothpunk4Christ
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So far, it would appear that my idea about leveled list injection may be the best lead so far if that can just be tested. I'm removing book of uunp, immersive armors, and my tera gear leveled lists and going to play with that idea some.

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Alright so here's a list of currently loaded leveled list injectors (NPC and loot) and I HAVE been able to duplicate the issue at level 3.


  • Unique Loot
  • Summermyst
  • Diverse Dragons Collection (no dragons encountered, not even into that part of the story yet)
  • Better Creature Loot
  • OBIS loot
  • Immersive Wenches (would remove if deadly wenches didn't need it)
  • Deadly Wenches
  • Ars Metallica
  • Legendary Deserter X collection (I noticed a gwelda dawguard chestpiece giving off a weird black line towards my character previous to the corruption, BUT the corruption happened quite some time after, consistent with extensive menu navigation.)
  • Werewolves and wearbears distributed
  • Dynamic Dungeon Loot
  • Simple Paladin
  • OMEGA Light Spells
  • Barbarian Steel armor

I'm still running the TERA weapons/Armors but not in the leveled list injectors.


I really need other people to help test these ideas, I'm about to the point of giving up and dealing with it as I had been for so long.


*edit* removed the wenches mods, barbarian steel armor, Legendary Deserter X collection, and better creature loot to slim things down.

*edit 2* Initial batch of small removals didn't help, now removing DDL, WW/WB Dist, OBIS Loot. The ONLY lists showing in Wrye bash are: USSEP, summermyst,Diverse Dragons, OBIS (actor only, no loot) Morrowloot and the MLU-Summermyst patch.

*edit 3* above changes made no difference. Disabling my TERA weapon and armor packs to see if that may make a difference. I also did a fresh run without starting convenient horse quest (though it was still installed) to see if it would make a difference. It did not seem that it did.

Edited by Gothpunk4Christ
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Im running about 44k strings. 316 mods active 249 plugins, on a new save so far for 4 hours no issues for save corruption though the longest i played in a constant was like 1 hour and a half but still nothing. But ill probably jinx it, then again im paranoid about this problem all the time im playing, just waiting for it to happen <.<.

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One thought i had is that since this is the new 64 bit port it could be that something is wrong with the engine and how it handles resources and when you add mods to your game especially alot, bad stuff happens. But i wouldnt know.

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Went to save file cleaner in SE and apparently campfire plugin is talking about SKSE not found which is odd. Frostfall made a message aswell.


Value: " (Further details not available because SKSE was not found.)".

Length: 70

This string occurs 1 times in this save.

This string was backtraced to 1 plugins.

  • String was backtraced 1 times to plugin 0e: campfire.esm



Value: " (Details: Game.GetFormFromFile(0x0286F3, "Chesko_Frostfall.esp") detected legacy Frostfall form ".

Length: 97

This string occurs 1 times in this save.

This string was backtraced to 1 plugins.

  • String was backtraced 1 times to plugin 0e: campfire.esm
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aleksi, I was having the issue prior to installing campfires, so I doubt that it by itself would cause the issue. Also, if you're pushing 44K strings and can play for over an hour without issue, that sorta confirms my theory it may not be entirely string related, as others can run a couple thousand more than I am and not experience the issue, while I do. There's something wonky with the crafting/looting system.


I'm going to test a bit more today, I got fed up with everything last night and started looking at Fo4 mods again, got a little more chocolate in my system and am in a much better mood today. Going to play around a little more with some different scenarios and see. Maybe I'm just adding too many extra crafting mods, we'll see.

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So I have a question. I'm running into the same bug. I was running 900 mods (mostly textures, but still a lot of heavy scripts, tons of merges, all the big mods, MO2 is stacked). I ran 5 hours and no corruption. My saves were about 6.1MB. Then I added the last few mods for my dream build...and now I get the bug in about 15min. But I close out, reload the game and it works great. But every 20 mins or so I get the false save, and about every hour I notice my conversation boxes start running into issues. But if I close it and open it, runs fine again. No issue with combat, traveling, or anything, just crafting, and talking.


Here's my question: Are you guys still running these games? Or are you just messing around with them. I'm not sure if I want to invest a lot of time into this save if you think it will eventually just collapse.


I'd hate to have to dump this, I've been working at it a while, and it runs amazing, smooth, fun and no errors or conflicts, hand tailored my bash patch. Just amazing. I ran games this big in Oldrim, ran fine, would randomly crash about once an hour but never had anything like this. I'm really thinking it's an engine thing. Getingover run in working memory and then it clears when you reboot the game. Not sure how stable it is in the long run though....


Curious if SKSE would solve it....not that I want to pin my hopes on that.

Edited by waylander47
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Then I added the last few mods for my dream build...and now I get the bug in about 15min.

Which new mods did you add?




Open Civil War


UUNP vanilla Outfits




Beyond Bruma


The Watch Towers






Beyond Reach


Hearthfire multiple adoptions




Convenient Horses




I was already running Immersive Armors, a bunch of armor mods, weapon mods, The book of UUNP (with my no skimpy patch), a few followers, and bunchs of sound overhuals, dungoen and combat mods, NPC adders (populated series, deadly wenches, Immersive patrols, OBIS) and magic mods.

Edited by waylander47
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