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False "save corruption" during gameplay


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The only ones we have in common are dyndolod and convenient horses. And honestly, I don't even have the esp enabled for the dyndolod, I just ran the tes5lodgen I think it was, not quite the same but same basic principle. I did run through with convenient horses without the initial quest activated so that should NOT have had an impact. But I don't know. Do you do a lot of crafting or no?


I also ran through and disabled most all of my armor/weapons additions and that has yet to really make a difference, but I will need to go through and completely remove the rest to test.

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In my "5 hours test" I did no crafting. I have mods for it, like Ars Metallica, Nock 2 Tip, and a few others. But Now I'm seeing about 20 min of just running around, if I open my saves to load they are that multi colored false save. I can close out and reload them, and it's fine. And if I keep going without reloading I start to see issues in messages boxes and diaolauges at the 1 hour mark. But combat, traveling, etc is fine. Just those two areas. And if I close out and reopen, it's fine. But the clock starts over agian.


I basically read through this entire thread. The only common thread I have seen to find is everyone has huge load orders, and while we all basically experience the same two issues, the timing and severity may be different. This is why I think it lends credence to the idea that it's some sort of working scripting issue. I think I'm just going to see about playing with it a bit. But if this is the only issue, I can live with closing out and reopening my game every hour or so. As long and my game doesn't collapse at like the 30 hr mark.

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I'm currently playing without the bug for 25 hours. It's a really heavy mod list: 355 mods merged into 200 plugins. Wet&Cold, Frostfall, Footprints, Sands of Time, Populated mods, Interesting NPC's, etc. A lot of crafting with Immersive Jewelry. 54000 strings. I tested my save with 90000 strings just for science and it loads without issues. I'm playing for 1-3 hours at a time. 40-60 FPS depending on location and combat intensity. Not a single crash so far, one infinite loading screen at Windhelm after a long game with Dawn of Skyrim activated.

Some things that helped me this far:
- New installation of Skyrim.
- Verified game installation after all the mods (but before DLL Loader)

- No SkyUI. It guarantees the bug with lightest load orders.
- Disabled general subtitles. Somehow it helps a lot.

- No Book of Steel. It gives me random crashes even with XMPSE.
- No Warzones and Claralux. I do have strange crashes with the latter.
- No SSE Fixes. Once again, I love their loading times, but stability for me goes down.

Can't say I know what's going on, really. But it's not a string problem.
I'm curious if anyone is having the bug withing these lines:
- no SkyUI
- fresh installation
- no subtitles
- no "BodySlide" type of mods (Book of Steel, etc)
- 200 plugins or less


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I'm currently playing without the bug for 25 hours. It's a really heavy mod list: 355 mods merged into 200 plugins. Wet&Cold, Frostfall, Footprints, Sands of Time, Populated mods, Interesting NPC's, etc. A lot of crafting with Immersive Jewelry. 54000 strings. I tested my save with 90000 strings just for science and it loads without issues. I'm playing for 1-3 hours at a time. 40-60 FPS depending on location and combat intensity. Not a single crash so far, one infinite loading screen at Windhelm after a long game with Dawn of Skyrim activated.


Some things that helped me this far:

- New installation of Skyrim.

- Verified game installation after all the mods (but before DLL Loader)

- No SkyUI. It guarantees the bug with lightest load orders.

- Disabled general subtitles. Somehow it helps a lot.

- No Book of Steel. It gives me random crashes even with XMPSE.

- No Warzones and Claralux. I do have strange crashes with the latter.

- No SSE Fixes. Once again, I love their loading times, but stability for me goes down.


Can't say I know what's going on, really. But it's not a string problem.

I'm curious if anyone is having the bug withing these lines:

- no SkyUI

- fresh installation

- no subtitles

- no "BodySlide" type of mods (Book of Steel, etc)

- 200 plugins or less




I am running skyui and sse fixes v2, on a fresh install (very recent, uninstalling the CK actually caused steam to completely wipe my install folder) but I do run with subtitles and no way I'm probably going to stay consistently under 200 esps. lol. *edit* and actually with SSE fixes my game is rock solid. I had one issue earlier today with a lockup on the game when I tried to auto loot something while on my horse while trying to sheathe my weapon, and that combination of everything in the middle of a warzone fight ended up not working well. But generally, unless I'm doing very heavy modifications in game with sudden plugin changes, and actually trying to get the thing to mess up I have no CTDs or lockups. 1 hickup here and there, but for the most part, I've had that with very little modifications.

Edited by Gothpunk4Christ
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In my current new game iv played around 10 hours. Only have got the issue once during saarthal quest. Currently it has been random yesterday i played another hour or more without it happening and sometimes it happens in 15-20 mins even. So i think my main suspicions goto the engine. SKSE could help with the issue if the corruption is caused by scripting and such. Or someone could be able to figure out a fix for it that would require SKSE or without.

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In my current new game iv played around 10 hours. Only have got the issue once during saarthal quest. Currently it has been random yesterday i played another hour or more without it happening and sometimes it happens in 15-20 mins even. So i think my main suspicions goto the engine. SKSE could help with the issue if the corruption is caused by scripting and such. Or someone could be able to figure out a fix for it that would require SKSE or without.

I'm not sure if SkyUI uses that much scripting really...officially it didn't really REQUIRE skse, but it did make use of a couple of the functions I think. But I know there are other options like QD Inv so I'd be willing to try this again without SkyUI to see if there might be an improvement at least, though the issue has persisted, for me, at least, before SkyUI. (woke up way early today on little sleep, may not be coherent at this point)

Edited by Gothpunk4Christ
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In my current new game iv played around 10 hours. Only have got the issue once during saarthal quest. Currently it has been random yesterday i played another hour or more without it happening and sometimes it happens in 15-20 mins even. So i think my main suspicions goto the engine. SKSE could help with the issue if the corruption is caused by scripting and such. Or someone could be able to figure out a fix for it that would require SKSE or without.

I'm not sure if SkyUI uses that much scripting really...officially it didn't really REQUIRE skse, but it did make use of a couple of the functions I think. But I know there are other options like QD Inv so I'd be willing to try this again without SkyUI to see if there might be an improvement at least, though the issue has persisted, for me, at least, before SkyUI. (woke up way early today on little sleep, may not be coherent at this point)


I doubt i would be willing to give up skyUI even if it completely made the issue dissapear. There is not many better alternatives the QD one is meh imo.

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I have reached the point where I don't want to pursue this problem any further. I have done everything I can possibly think of to fix this, and spent probably close to 40 hours messing with this stupid bug.


Reading through most of this thread, and from trying everything I can possibly think of myself, I have come to the conclusion that this has to be directly linked to a limitation in the game engine, or papyrus. And I can't do anything about either. Uninstalling most of my mods is not a viable option.


I will have to live with having to restart the game once every other hour (or after each crafting session). This discussion is not leading anywhere either. It's 76 pages of beating the same dead horse. We need Bethesda or the SKSE people to comment on this.

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I have reached the point where I don't want to pursue this problem any further. I have done everything I can possibly think of to fix this, and spent probably close to 40 hours messing with this stupid bug.


Reading through most of this thread, and from trying everything I can possibly think of myself, I have come to the conclusion that this has to be directly linked to a limitation in the game engine, or papyrus. And I can't do anything about either. Uninstalling most of my mods is not a viable option.


I will have to live with having to restart the game once every other hour (or after each crafting session). This discussion is not leading anywhere either. It's 76 pages of beating the same dead horse. We need Bethesda or the SKSE people to comment on this.

I mean thats what i have been saying right now. Im not trying to fix this problem just monitoring its behaviour really. But as i said befor its most likely a engine problem,scripting etc..

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I'm pretty much almost at the same point. I'm trying to figure out to see if there may be something we can lead to, but without a programmers input, most of us "average joe" type people won't be able to lead to a resolution anyways. I'll try and offer inputs as I can figure out, but most of my methods of attempting a fix are going to be:

"propose an idea I think may work, then test it, get angry that it wasn't it, contemplate going back to fallout 4 for a while, ignore that cause I want to play Skyrim, play Skyrim, get annoyed at the bug, think of another idea, and repeat."


Other than my latest idea to see if EFF/follower mod may be causing issues, I'm a bit out of ideas, unless it's directly related with papyrus and scripting, and a lot of the more script intensive mods may be just throwing a wrench into everything. I'm not sure though, because most of the script heavy stuff I run, I really don't want to give up. I can probably do without warzones (it just leads to a lot more standing around looting stuff and overencumbered trips back to a smelter because none of the other merchants have enough gold yet and I really don't want to leave the stuff lying around, but at the same time I'm earning gold way too quickly and it's not really fun anymore) but I'm not giving up OBIS. I did run without OBIS and WZ and was never able to duplicate the issue, but at that stage I was also running without all of my extra armor/weapon mods.


I can understand why it'd be so danged hard to pinpoint a very direct specific cause if it weren't any one thing specifically but the system as a whole just slowly overwhelming the game engine itself, and in which case, I'll just mod how I want, and unless I'm having very serious, major, frequent issues, I'll just deal with it.


I'll keep yelling giddy-up at the dead horse (it might just be unconscious for now) and see if I can get it to move at least. And that also reminds me, I need to get that giddy-up buttercup mod for FO4.

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