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False "save corruption" during gameplay


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BUT if ONE person here can confirm they DO get the bug without OBIS loot, then it may pave the argument towards "too many things at once,"


It's not OBIS Loot or Wet and Cold, at least not on their own. I've never used either mod and I have encountered the error.


I've taken a different route for isolating the problem. I started with a small number of mods and every 2-3 hours of play time I add a few more. Concentrating on light/no scripting mods at first with the exception of core mods like EFF/RDO/CH/CRF/Inigo. I'm up to 108 mods, 93 esps, 5.3k scripts and 33k strings with no problems yet.

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Just adding my voice to the growing list of people experiencing this bug. It's driving me nuts. I can get through about 15-20 minutes of gameplay before experiencing the bug. Sometimes I keep playing without noticing it until I start getting message boxes with no dialogue or my Hearthfire children and other certain NPCs don't speak, then I have to reload.


I don't even know where to begin to look because I have over 200 mods. I made sure they are sorted properly and all saved in form 44. I merged some plugins and created a Bashed Patch. My game runs smoothly and I never get any crashes. It's only this dumb bug that is keeping me from enjoying the game.


I feel like I started noticing the problem more frequently when I started using SSE Fixes, but it was long enough ago that I can't remember if I added any other mods at the time, so I can't say with certainty that there is a direct connection.


Also I don't use OBIS Loot but I do use Frostfall , iNeed, and Wet and Cold, as well as Convenient Horses, a lot of Enai Siaion's mods, RDO, Better Vampires, and a lot of Hearthfire mods like Multi Adopt and Improved Adoptions. I also use SkyUI and I have subtitles enabled.

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At times i think about going back to oldrim but i would have to setup a new mod loadout and all that jazz+its so much more work than SE to setup an actual modlist. Id rather just deal with this one issue even tho its annoying as s#*!.

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So this is odd. I have 250 plugings. over 900 mods. I start a new game, get the bug in like 15 min. I KEEP THE EXACT SAME LOAD ORDER, EXCEPT I DISABLED MY BASH PATCH....3 hours...no bug. I created my own master patch by hand in SSEdit that handles my level lists. Granted the bash patch merged a bunch of little patches for me. So I might try and go see about that. But it stopped it for me...so far. So it's either too many things at once, or something. But It's not string count. But alot of those little patches were injectors and what not. So I'm going to slowly pull it apart and see what I find.


We have alot of expereniced modders having this issue it sounds like. Seems like together we could hunt it down. We just need to focus.


Anyone feel like compiling an excel sheet of load orders with and with out the bug? I'll do it if no one else will.

Edited by waylander47
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Also I don't use OBIS Loot but I do use Frostfall , iNeed, and Wet and Cold, as well as Convenient Horses, a lot of Enai Siaion's mods, RDO, Better Vampires, and a lot of Hearthfire mods like Multi Adopt and Improved Adoptions. I also use SkyUI and I have subtitles enabled.

Do have CH, RDO, and BV installed. Had been considering removing BV to help test simply because I never get to the point of becoming one anymore with my constant new game tests. Now that I'm not running warzones I can probably more easily be done with CH for a quick test run because I won't have to stop and loot the extra bodies every short while.


Also thanks to those who confirmed they have the issue with OBIS loot, which means it may not be this specific mod, but expedited by this type of mod (and I could still be grasping at air). I have yet to do my daily testing (work is being retarded today) but I have a couple quick ideas to test.



At times i think about going back to oldrim but i would have to setup a new mod loadout and all that jazz+its so much more work than SE to setup an actual modlist. Id rather just deal with this one issue even tho its annoying as s***.

I can NOT go back to LE anymore, SE just runs and looks so much better. I'm down to literally just a small handful of mods I'm waiting on, and they aren't that important.

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So this is odd. I have 250 plugings. over 900 mods. I start a new game, get the bug in like 15 min. I KEEP THE EXACT SAME LOAD ORDER, EXCEPT I DISABLED MY BASH PATCH....3 hours...no bug. I created my own master patch by hand in SSEdit that handles my level lists. Granted the bash patch merged a bunch of little patches for me. ...

Ok, so your bashed patch didn't include any leveled list injections from armor or weapons or npcs, it was just a merge of some mini-patches?


I wasn't aware that leveled list patches could be created with SSEdit, I must research this lol.


I've had a theory that leveled list injection and bashed patches may be causing issue, but no good way to actually test it, thank you for toying with this. I, unfortunately, have a large list of LL merges in my bashed patch, I don't think me disabling it would do much except render my current game unusable and cause crashes.


Does anyone having this issue NOT use Wrye Bashed patches, or LL merges?

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So this is odd. I have 250 plugings. over 900 mods. I start a new game, get the bug in like 15 min. I KEEP THE EXACT SAME LOAD ORDER, EXCEPT I DISABLED MY BASH PATCH....3 hours...no bug. I created my own master patch by hand in SSEdit that handles my level lists. Granted the bash patch merged a bunch of little patches for me. ...

Ok, so your bashed patch didn't include any leveled list injections from armor or weapons or npcs, it was just a merge of some mini-patches?


I wasn't aware that leveled list patches could be created with SSEdit, I must research this lol.


I've had a theory that leveled list injection and bashed patches may be causing issue, but no good way to actually test it, thank you for toying with this. I, unfortunately, have a large list of LL merges in my bashed patch, I don't think medisabling it would do much except render my current game unusable and cause crashes.


Does anyone having this issue NOT use Wrye Bashed patches, or LL merges?


What I did in SSEdit was "copy as overide" into a new esp all my level lists from the mods themselves and basically did what WB does for level lists, but did it better and by hand...took forever. But it's how I got 900 mods to play nicely together, with no black face bugs or crazyness. I was still using WB because it merged a bunch of minipatches, and other Misc items that would be a nightmare to do by hand.


Edit: It did include some level list injectors in the bash. I'm going to slowly pull this patch apart and see what happens. But one thing is almost certain. I don't think it is a specific mod. Too many different load orders are having this problem. It must be somthing with the level lists or too much going on etc.

Edited by waylander47
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