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False "save corruption" during gameplay


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Seems like what we my need to do is gift a copy of SE to meh321 and some of the other big name programming type guys and beg for some insight on what the crap is actually happening lol.

Edited by Gothpunk4Christ
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Yeah, I am on the verge of giving up the game completely. If it was only about not being able to load saves, then maybe I could stomach it. I only play on Adept so I don't die that often. But the bug also causes dialogue with NPCs to get f*#@ed up. Vanilla NPCs are usually fine, but anyone from Interesting NPCs, and other custom companions, I lose all my dialogue options. I am also unable to read custom books and letters.

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When I start having issues, vanilla NPCs are the ones I'm trying to interact with (merchants primarily) and I can't get them to open the container menu to make them buy my crap, usually when I'm overencumbered and it took 10 minutes to get to them.


I'm probably going to go on a new game (yet again) and remove convenient horses, forgotten dungeons, numerous armors that I never use, campfires, the island, calling of the conjurer (I never used more than 5 of the new spells anyways), and whistling mine (it edits a leveled list in WB, not sure why, maybe the extra NPCs?) and see what that gets me. *edit* yarp, no help here.


Even if I can't play SE without this bug, I'll keep playing it, because I just enjoy the game too much. At worst it's an annoyance, and I just can't easily go back to LE because it runs like garbage in comparison, but I love Skyrim too much to just up and quit. If I didn't love this game so much, I wouldn't have meticulously spent a solid week reinstalling my mods in a very specific order and tweaking and adjusting certain other individual files and comparing assets just to get a little better look out of my game, lol. After steam wiped out my entire install, I spent a total of 2.5 weeks tweaking and adjusting everything... that's a lot of love for a game to just give it up :tongue:


Besides, I gotta have something to occupy me until TESVI comes out hopefully within the next 12 years. By then, Beth may have gotten their engine sorted out after Fallout 8.

Edited by Gothpunk4Christ
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Ok, so moving to the next possible idea about some people mentioning combat... lets talk combat type overhauls. Spells, script changes, NPC injectors, etc.


I've experienced the issue with and without Call of the Conjurer, and I don't think that simply adding spells would be an issue, just what certain of those spells include (massive scripts to handle a dozen individual summons at once, channeled scripts for custom effects, etc etc)


  • Wildcat
  • Better Vampires (issues have been reported with and without)
  • Apocalypse (just added to replace call of the conjurer, issues with and without)
  • Genesis (issues with and without)
  • VioLens (I use it specifically to remove the ranged killsync, example a target being marked paralyzed and falling over with the killsync but the arrow missing by the time it gets there because the target fell over prior to actually being killed)
  • Civil War Aftermath (just recently installed this, issues with and without, got tired of not being able to wipe out the imperials completely, and the one general in the camp who can't be killed. Causes issues later on.)
  • TrueHybrid
  • Summermyst
  • Dragon Shouts overhaul (haven't actually gotten to use it cause I always start a new game before getting my first dragon soul)
  • Simple Paladin (issues with and without)
  • OBIS (Issues with and without, also including noticeboard, hotfix, loot, and patrols, all of which were recently added - someone mentioned removing OBIS loot fixed it for them, I had no such luck)
  • Alex's leveling creatures (issues with and without, recent addition)
  • Bloodmoon Rising
  • Morrowloot Ultimate (issues with and without)
  • Ordinator
  • Imperious

It appears that adjusting some of my crafting mods has made little impact. Some, but in the end, still getting the issue. 3.5MB save file size, level 1 (yes, ONE) no unattached script instances or anything unusual, 33,326 strings. This involved starting LAL at Winstad, taking carriage to riverwood, recruiting 2 followers, running to whiterun, recruiting another, harvesting a bunch of stuff, killing an imperial patrol, several wolves, a few elk, etc, couple bandits, going into whiterun for a bit, going back to riverwood, crafting a potion, and upon leaving the inn, I got the bug. It seems to be happening more on worldspace changes now (going from indoors to out - since I'm trying to avoid crafting).

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I think my encounters with the save corrupting on indoor/outdoor changes was coincidental. Ended up meeting up with some NPCs outside a fort and cleared out a group of imperials and bandits. Mopped up the combat, looted, and corrupt. Think we may need to look a little more into combat too. Though I'll say I doubt it's that specifically (unless it's one mod or type of mod that's causing it with the way it interacts with stuff) because I've managed to get the issue with NO combat whatsoever, locking myself in my home basement and running through the crafting menus.


5 hours? I'm lucky to hit 30 minutes lol. My strings are usually around 33K, and I just removed some of the mods I believe were more heavily scripted and though it does seem to run a little smoother and did take a little longer to happen, it did still happen.

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I think my encounters with the save corrupting on indoor/outdoor changes was coincidental. Ended up meeting up with some NPCs outside a fort and cleared out a group of imperials and bandits. Mopped up the combat, looted, and corrupt. Think we may need to look a little more into combat too. Though I'll say I doubt it's that specifically (unless it's one mod or type of mod that's causing it with the way it interacts with stuff) because I've managed to get the issue with NO combat whatsoever, locking myself in my home basement and running through the crafting menus.


5 hours? I'm lucky to hit 30 minutes lol. My strings are usually around 33K, and I just removed some of the mods I believe were more heavily scripted and though it does seem to run a little smoother and did take a little longer to happen, it did still happen.

Yeah I've been playing with it for a while now. I have come to this opinion: It's caused by too much going on at once and it is different for everyone's load order. No one mod is causing it. It doesn't seem to be game breaking so long as you don't mind saving, closing out, and reopening your game every 30min-1hr or so (depending on your load order). But IT IS annoying. Why we never saw this in Oldrim...I'm guessing SKSE had something to do with it. For me, this bug really only kicks off quickly if I'm doing a bunch of crafting, or I get to a new town and get a bunch of new quests in a short period of time.


HOWEVER...despite this super anoying bug, I'll still take it over random CTDs all over the place like in oldrim.


Bottom line: I'm tired of trying to fix it. I'm just going to make peace with restarting my game every hour...

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Its probably that the scipting engine cant handle s#*! enough especially if you grab some oldrim mods and enough mods in general to overload it. Im guessing SKSE might even fix this issue to an extent. And it could be the engine upgrade from 32 to 64 thats not working very well with mods that is.

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I'm curious if any of you are running mods that have .esp's that aren't properly ported to SSE? (Still having Form 43 in the header instead of the new Form 44)?


I just checked my load order and found the following esp's may have issues in SSE due to not having the same structure as the new Form 44 (SSE)


  • TKChilden.esm
  • TKChildren.esp
  • ValdacilsItemSorting.esp
  • IcePenguinWorldMap.esp
  • SuperbSerana.esp
  • BetterQuestObjectives-CRFPatch.esp
  • BetterQuestObjectives-PaarDilemmaPatch.esp
  • BetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.esp
  • Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp
  • SkyrimImprovedPuddles-DG-HF-DB.esp
  • Immersive Wenches -KS Hairs- Patch.esp
  • Joy of Perspective.esp
  • BVLT - Human.esp (Better Vampire Lord Transformation)
  • DaggerCraft.esp
  • Daenerys Follower.esp
  • DSHg - Helmets.esp (Don't Show Head Gear)


I am not sure if this could cause the bug, but it certainly isn't good to have any mods Form 43 in your load order. More on that here: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/5kzatz/form_header_43_and_sse_truth_or_just_false_rumour/dbrqz2o/


Before you go check every single file header yourself, use this little handy xEdit script: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6847/?

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I'm curious if any of you are running mods that have .esp's that aren't properly ported to SSE? (Still haveing Form 43 in the header instead of the new Form 44)?


I just checked my load order and found the following esp's may have issues in SSE due to not having the same structure as the new Form 44 (SSE)


  • TKChilden.esm
  • TKChildren.esp
  • ValdacilsItemSorting.esp
  • IcePenguinWorldMap.esp
  • SuperbSerana.esp
  • BetterQuestObjectives-CRFPatch.esp
  • BetterQuestObjectives-PaarDilemmaPatch.esp
  • BetterQuestObjectives-AlternateStartPatch.esp
  • Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp
  • SkyrimImprovedPuddles-DG-HF-DB.esp
  • Immersive Wenches -KS Hairs- Patch.esp
  • Joy of Perspective.esp
  • BVLT - Human.esp (Better Vampire Lord Transformation)
  • DaggerCraft.esp
  • Daenerys Follower.esp
  • DSHg - Helmets.esp (Don't Show Head Gear)


I am not sure if this could cause the bug, but it certainly isn't good to have any mods Form 43 in your load order. More on that here: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/5kzatz/form_header_43_and_sse_truth_or_just_false_rumour/dbrqz2o/


Before you go check every single file header yourself, use this little handy xEdit script: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6847/?


wow, ok this is f***in deplorable. I just ran this script and it turns out loads of mods that had been officially ported to SSE still used the old form of ESP. That is bad...


Edit: Ok, this is weird. According to this script my Bashed Patch esp is also in the old format. I have downloaded Wrye Bash for SSE, so why is this? Seems odd.

Edited by TheCruxis
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