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Enhanced Companions


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It's a given it will be expanded, but before it happens here's what I'd like to see:


- Companion Stats: Strength, Magicka, Stamina, skills

- Carry Weight Info: Right now it doesn't show how encumbered they are

- Companion Leveling Up: I could see myself letting them do more of the fighting if they could level up

- Fighting Orders: Range, Magic, Close, Restoration, Defense, etc.

- Armor: Ability to change their armor

- Independence: Ability to order them to do stuff for you without them hanging around, like gather ingredients, hunt and gather leather/meat, steal. They would come back to you once you pass Time. Heh, would be funny if occasionally you'd be informed your character got imprisoned for theft, and you'd have to bail them out.

- Ability to have multiple companions: Add to that the above-mentioned thieving feature and you could have your own thieves guild!

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