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Finding the correct script for Sentinel Lyons


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Anyway, I'm working on an overhaul mod that adds T-51b to the Brotherhood of Steel, among other things, and Sarah Lyons equips the wrong armor (T-45d instead of T-51b) when she steps out of the vertibird. If I resurrect her, she goes back to wearing what she was while unconscious. (I altered the version of Sarah inside the vertibird to wear the right stuff.) I can't find the script that equips her armor and laser rifle. If anybody knows which script it is, it would be appreciated.
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That was a hard one to find;)

DLC03SarahREF is equipped by this script: DLC03AFBEnclaveBaseVertibirdTakingOffControlSCRIPT

Thanks! :dance: I could not for the life of me find the darn thing.


EDIT: I can confirm that it works. Thanks again.

Edited by panzersharkcat
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