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Some TRON in Skyrim?


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Hi Everyone! I wanted to share an idea I had for a Skyrim mod, maybe someone out there would like to take a stab at it and bring it to life(hopefully):



Partially inspired by this Fallout New Vegas mod by Ironman5000:




But Really inspired by these designs:




Sure, no samurai helmets in Skyrim yet, but I can see the Daedric armor set being reskinned in this manner.




What about the weapons?








The short sword and warhammer(It's a rod, but still, for concept's sake) are well represented.


Maybe even a step further...what about the enemies?






A Tron-ish Daedric golem? Tron Alduin, anyone? Imagine that in RED.



Hopefully someone out there sees this as much as I do - Not as a full overhaul, since the magic of Skyrim comes in exploring the greatness that exists in the world, but as an addition to what's already there.



What do you guys think?

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Holy s*** this art is amazing.


I honestly couldn't see it anywhere near Skyrim, but maybe some kind of Daedric plane or something? I don't know.


But there is samurai armor in the game; The Blades. They were essentially dragon-slaying ronin.


And good god that sword. Please tell me it's not shopped.


ACTUALLY; I could see it all as some kind of ancient tech or arcane artifact, akin to the Cuotl in Rise of Legends:



I don't know where this technology or whatever could be located, but I do know that the Obelisks of Order in Shivering Isles used a similar "Glowing digital line" pattern.

Mayhaps it could all be found in some super-magical Dragon Cult tomb, or an ancient Falmer cavern

Edited by IxionInc
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The way I was going about it is pretty much something along those lines of a Daedra or Elven origin. Nothing technology driven, but something more of a similar design to TRON. I mean, I've seen that sort of light-up scheme in Shivering Isles, but that was all Daedric. Elven areas in Skyrim don't really light up that way, but you never know - a powered race of elves vs daedra-insfused dark elves would help this concept work....but that's later on(and over my head at this point).


I also recall Dragon Age II having similar armor that lit up similar to the tron armors - including the "Sir Isaac of Clarke" DLC costume. I know Dragon Age mythology doesn't match TES' by any means, but it's just an basic idea of the inner workings.


The weapons would work, I think, as a sort of "magical" weapon, similar to the enchantment weapons that glow upon use...except this glow stays on and cycles throughout it.



I don't mean to break immersion, just add to it - the Dragon language, for example, lights up in a similar light pattern upon learning a word. Something like this is what I'm trying to get at. I'm not really good at reskinning and manipulating lighting, so I put this up for discussion to see what options are out there.



I forogt about the blades' armor! That'd work, and be less bulky than the legendary armors I was alluding to. It'd still be awesome to see a neon-lit Daedric or Dragon armor, though.

Edited by neiogeo
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I was thinking something along these lines would be fun when The Retro Project came out. DOING it would probably only be very tedious, I think the "hard part" would be making in work-- I don't (specifically) mean the visuals or the sound effects, I mean connecting it all together and having it be a cohesive "thing". Lotsa time and work and do-overs, I'm sure... but worth every moment. ^_^


Some other visual styles that might be drawn on for inspriation would be ReBoot and Mega Man Battle Network, both being "inside the computer", like Tron.

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This could be cool. I loved the artistic direction of the new Tron, and this would be so easy to make compared to any other total conversions. The landscapes and vehicles are mostly designed to have like ten polygons each. (exaggeration, I know :/, but basically a valid point)
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That's what I mean - you wouldn't really need to rebuild any part of the world of Skyrim, or build new weaponry on top of older variation - it's just a simple polygonal facelift to TRON's familiar black n' blue color scheme.





^^^^Take this for example. It's part of the Fallout New Vegas mod. Mage robes. It's simple, Tron-ish, and effective, without straying far from the original formula.




But the Tronification of Skyrim, could be this simple^. Just lit patterns in whatever given city someone decides to Tronize.


As for the armors, Best example I could give is Dragon Age II's Fenris or Too Human's medieval armors - when powered up, parts of their armors glow a neon blue, red, yellow, or green depending on their specialty. In both games, their temples also exhibit this type of behavior when opening gates or setting off a mechanism. The alchemy and enchantment tables and the touch stones in the "Horn of Jurgen Windcaller" mission in Skyrim also have that quality.

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That's what I mean - you wouldn't really need to rebuild any part of the world of Skyrim, or build new weaponry on top of older variation - it's just a simple polygonal facelift to TRON's familiar black n' blue color scheme.


[Pictures snipped for space]


But the Tronification of Skyrim, could be this simple^. Just lit patterns in whatever given city someone decides to Tronize.


As for the armors, Best example I could give is Dragon Age II's Fenris or Too Human's medieval armors - when powered up, parts of their armors glow a neon blue, red, yellow, or green depending on their specialty. In both games, their temples also exhibit this type of behavior when opening gates or setting off a mechanism. The alchemy and enchantment tables and the touch stones in the "Horn of Jurgen Windcaller" mission in Skyrim also have that quality.


You're talking about a retexture. There's a few of those running around, mostly ramping UP the vanilla textures into HD, be a few (like the Retro Project I mentioned before) are actually reducing them, simplifying the appearances into less realistic but (ostensibly) just as much fun, if not moreso. Tron Skyrim, I would assume, would work on the same principles, at least at first.


I think I'd hesitate to use ONLY the black-and-blue scheme everywhere-- it'd get dull really quick, not to mention hard on the eyes. I'm sure a quick poll and some trial and error will help work out what works and what doesn't. Also, you may be interested to know that there was a Tron FPS a while ago. It was pretty fun. ^_^


End of line.

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You're talking about a retexture. There's a few of those running around, mostly ramping UP the vanilla textures into HD, be a few (like the Retro Project I mentioned before) are actually reducing them, simplifying the appearances into less realistic but (ostensibly) just as much fun, if not moreso. Tron Skyrim, I would assume, would work on the same principles, at least at first.


I think I'd hesitate to use ONLY the black-and-blue scheme everywhere-- it'd get dull really quick, not to mention hard on the eyes. I'm sure a quick poll and some trial and error will help work out what works and what doesn't. Also, you may be interested to know that there was a Tron FPS a while ago. It was pretty fun. ^_^


End of line.


I have that FPS - Tron 2.0 and that Team Fortress beta, Tron Fortress. Quite fun, though hard as heck to play on an updated laptop.


To be honest, the samurai design and the sword/light baton would be the only thing I'd be interested in. A full world retexture would complicate things. Heck, maybe a horse retexture to make it look like the stallion from Castlevania: Lords of Shadow to go along with the "Grid Spirit" Armor set. That'd work best as a mod scenario, I think!

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