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Trouble with Mo Mod.


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So when I've been playing I feel like I haven't been seeing a lot of creatures from the mod. I rarely see them. Is this a bug? Even though I'm only level ten, I rarely see them. Do most of the creatures appear at higher levels? I'm also using immersive creatures along with it. I see creatures from immersive creatures but I don't really see a lot from Momod.

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Test out if it has to do with levelling.

Download this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/3325/?

Start a new game open the console and type "Player.setlevel 50"

Then exit the cave and go explore the skyrim world and see if you see any of the creatures


If you dont see anything then try to make a bashed patch


Instructions will be on the page

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Hey Forskyrimmods. Not trying to high jack the thread I came on to ask about momod myself. Would you mind posting your load order? I think it may help the fellow above as well.

I myself have been trying to get mo mod, SIC and skytest to work together. I did once but have not been able to repeat it. I have the skytest momod patch merged with the rest of skytest patches per SRLE LOD. I was thinkng maybe that was a problem. I certainly already have bashed patch going. I amjust thinking things are in the wrong place.

Edited by nilok
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