LionelLeonhart Posted December 27, 2016 Share Posted December 27, 2016 Hi, I'm having a problem where my character runs a few feet, then gets stuck in place for a couple of seconds, or even starts to slide back and then can make forward progress again for another few feet until I get stuck again. Any tips? My game was running fine before. I have quite a big Load Order and this began after I added a couple of mods. I removed those mods, but the problem continues. Can anyone tell me what this is a symptom of or point me in the right direction? I've been struggling with this problem for a few months now. Here is my load order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp 6 6 Wyrmstooth.esp SME - Weights and Values.esp SME - Vendors and Lists.esp 7 7 SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esm 8 8 DreadPrison.esm 9 9 ETaC - RESOURCES.esm MagicDuel.esm 10 a ClimatesOfTamriel.esm 11 b EFFCore.esm 12 c RSkyrimChildren.esm High Res Texture Pack merged.esp 13 d HighResTexturePack01.esp 14 e HighResTexturePack02.esp 15 f HighResTexturePack03.esp 16 10 Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp 17 11 Cutting Room Floor.esp 18 12 PeacefulMudcrabs.esp 19 13 dontcommitcrimes.esp 20 14 SwordsmansCoat.esp 21 15 all killable.esp 22 16 Duelist-Longcoat.esp 23 17 better embers.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-WinterEdition.esp 24 18 ClimatesOfTamriel-Sound.esp 25 19 FNISspells.esp 26 1a xce.esp 27 1b Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 28 1c mintylightningmod.esp 29 1d BuryTheDead.esp 30 1e real mountains.esp 31 1f getSnowy.esp 32 20 Entropy.esp 33 21 Realistic crime report radius.esp 34 22 When Vampires Attack.esp 35 23 HandyMan.esp sceniccarriages.esp Buy_Whiterun2.esp 36 24 JailtimeMax100.esp 37 25 PipeSmoking.esp 38 26 abotFiresHurt.esp 39 27 WetandCold.esp 40 28 CannabisUpdate.esp 41 29 Dead Body Collision.esp 42 2a pickpocket_min_20.esp 43 2b dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 44 2c dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp 45 2d ABT - Increased Bolts Damage (Vanilla) +50%.esp 46 2e shootingstars.esp 47 2f inhumansoldiers.esp 48 30 skyui.esp 49 31 BecomeAVampire.esp 50 32 SkyTweak.esp 51 33 quest - no stone unturned.esp 52 34 impatienceofasaint-markers.esp 53 35 Urn fix.esp 54 36 CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp 55 37 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp 56 38 3DNPC.esp 57 39 ETaC - Complete.esp 58 3a ETaC - Dragon Bridge South.esp 59 3b hjerimtnf.esp 60 3c Book Covers Skyrim.esp 61 3d Northern Bathhouses.esp 62 3e NoRoadPredators.esp RealisticLootList.esp 63 3f Immersive Orc Strongholds.esp 64 40 RealShelter.esp 65 41 DreadPrisonUpdate.esp 66 42 Helgen Reborn.esp 67 43 RealShelter_ETAC13.esp project-legacy.esp here there be monsters.esp here there be monsters - call of cthulhu.esp birds.esp 68 44 hold guard.1.esp chapels of skyrim.esp 69 45 Undeath.esp 70 46 AdventurersAndTravelersLight.esp SME - Lore-Friendly Alchemy.esp winterhold_improvements.esp 71 47 ShenkThieveryOverhaul.esp 72 48 OBIS.esp 73 49 OwenHoliday-HearthFire-WindstadManor_Fortify.esp bettercitiesjarlshouses.esp 74 4a Bring Out Your Dead.esp realcarriage.esp 75 4b Immersive Whiterun.esp 76 4c Immersive Solstheim.esp skyrim tycoon - reloaded.esp 77 4d WetandCold - Holidays.esp helgenrebuilt.esp 78 4e Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 79 4f Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp 80 50 Weapons & Armor Fixes_Remade.esp 81 51 ABT - Faster Bolts Improved +25%.esp 82 52 PathOfSorcery.esp 83 53 ClamsDropPearls.esp 84 54 lightweight potions and poisons.esp 85 55 RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp 86 56 purewaters.esp 87 57 RND_PureWaters-Patch.esp 88 58 RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp 89 59 Immersive Weapons.esp 90 5a ABT - Loot Arrows +25%.esp 91 5b lefthandrings.esp 92 5c Tes Arena NorthKeep.esp FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp 93 5d OBISDB.esp SME - Armor Balance.esp SME - Weapon Balance.esp 94 5e Arnleif and Sons Trading Company Restocked.esp Economics of Skyrim.esp 95 5f Tes Arena Nimalten.esp 96 60 RDO - EFF v4.0.2 Patch.esp 97 61 DF127MillwaterRetreat.esp 98 62 DF127MillwaterRetreatHFCOT.esp 99 63 MVABasic.esp100 64 TES Blackmoor.esp101 65 Tes Pagran Village.esp102 66 qaxewinterholdrebuild.esp103 67 JKs Whiterun.esp exrorikstead.esp imcn merged.esp104 68 RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp105 69 CookingExpanded - Dragonborn.esp106 6a thearmourerfixes.esp107 6b WayOfTheMonk.esp108 6c Throwing Knives.esp109 6d Tes Sunguard.esp110 6e Tes Vernim Wood.esp Cloaks - No Imperial.esp111 6f 1nivWICCloaksNoGuards.esp112 70 meadery.esp113 71 df127dwarvenautomatons.esp114 72 HeljarchenFarm.esp tos_oakwood.esp115 73 WindstadMine.esp116 74 betterravenrock.esp117 75 SolitudeSKY.esp118 76 TES Arena Amol.esp119 77 UniqueBorderGates-All.esp120 78 Tes Dunparwall.esp121 79 Tes Granite Hall.esp122 7a DreadPrisonAddon02.esp123 7b Immersive Patrols II.esp124 7c lakeviewmanorupgrades.esp125 7d HeartfireFortifiedHeljarchenHallLight.esp126 7e tos_laintardale_hf.esp tos_laintardale.esp127 7f tos_oakwood_hf.esp128 80 HeartfireFortifiedHeljarchenHall.esp129 81 EFFDialogue.esp130 82 imcn feedpatch.esp131 83 Vampire Lord Serana Fixed.esp132 84 Imp's More Complex Needs.esp133 85 imcn - dawnguard.esp134 86 imcn - dragonborn.esp135 87 imcn - hearthfire.esp136 88 df127caranthirtowermod.esp tailoring - dragonborn.esp137 89 tailoring merged.esp tailoring.esp138 8a teleport.esp139 8b TES DunstadGrove.esp SME - Additional Vendors.esp140 8c Sleeping Innkeepers.esp141 8d Innkeepers Fix.esp142 8e arrowsmith-dawnguard.esp143 8f Blacksmithforge water fix DG.esp144 90 ABT - Merchants Arrows +25%.esp145 91 Diseased.esp146 92 SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators-Dragonborn.esp147 93 Provincial Courier Service.esp148 94 MidasSkyrim.esp Sneak Tools merged.esp149 95 nightingale_armor_tweak.esp150 96 Dice Game in Taverns.esp herman.esp151 97 quest_pitfighter.esp152 98 midas magic expanded.esp153 99 communitycollege.esp154 9a Morning Fogs.esp155 9b LydiaLoopFix.esp bettercitiesdocksolitude.esp TradeBarter.esp156 9c RSChildren_CompleteUSKP.esp RSChildren - Complete.esp SKY.esp157 9d jbs_banking_redux.esp158 9e ExpandedJailCells.esp HighlandFarmMilk.esp159 9f CookingExpanded.esp160 a0 CookingExpanded - Hearthfire.esp betterwinterhold.esp Immersive Battles.esp161 a1 Blacksmithforge water fix DB.esp162 a2 Immersive Dawnguard.esp163 a3 Immersive Travelers.esp164 a4 ABT - Faster Arrows Improved +10%.esp165 a5 Blacksmithforge water fix Vanilla.esp166 a6 ETaC Follower Add-On.esp homesteaddefenders.esp167 a7 ABT - Increased Progressive Damage (with Nord Hero Arrow) +50%.esp168 a8 dr_bandolier.esp wtbs.esp169 a9 Destructible_bottles.esp linen bandages.esp170 aa FirstAid.esp171 ab LB_EnemiesEssplode!.esp172 ac chesko_frostfall.esp173 ad Sneak Tools.esp174 ae Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp175 af Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp176 b0 the paarthurnax dilemma.esp177 b1 Immersive Events.esp178 b2 MercenaryCaptainMod.esp179 b3 RealShelterJKRT.esp180 b4 Immersive Mercenaries.esp181 b5 RealShelterJKWR.esp182 b6 HoldBorderBanners.esp183 b7 Pacifist Mini-Mods Collection.esp184 b8 FriendlyCreaturesv1.1.esp fishinginskyrim.esp185 b9 itsatrap!.esp prayers to the gods.esp186 ba LAKEVIEW Treasure Vault by AlCiao (Edited by Spphy).esp187 bb Immersive Patrols.esp188 bc PaladinArtifactsAndArmor.esp189 bd Immersive Werewolves.esp190 be MapTomes.esp CP Apple Trees for TRO Basic Needs.esp191 bf tbmChrysamere.esp192 c0 Brevi_MoonlightTales.esp MVAIvarstead.esp193 c1 Immersive Brigands.esp194 c2 Smash It Up - Functional Mills.esp195 c3 HeljarchenFarm - Additional Family Room.esp MVARorikstead.esp196 c4 Cannabis.esp197 c5 quest_pitfighter_dlc01.esp198 c6 Binocular Vision Extra.esp werewolvesofskyrim.esp199 c7 Immersive Factions.esp200 c8 My Home Is Your Home.esp201 c9 apocalypse - the spell package (workshop).esp202 ca civilwarcleanup.esp203 cb craftablescrolls.esp204 cc AK- Boethiah Alternate.esp205 cd ABT - Recover +10% Arrows and Bolts.esp206 ce ACE BYOG.esp207 cf useablesawmill.esp208 d0 xgfdovahkiinstresor.esp209 d1 VampireLordFlys.esp210 d2 BanditsEyepatch.esp211 d3 LegendarySmithingUpgrades.esp212 d4 Craftable Arrows.esp213 d5 VL No AoE Drain.esp214 d6 RealNames.esp215 d7 HouseOfHorrorsAlternateEnding.esp dunBloodletThroneVampireBoss.esp216 d8 RealShelterJJKMK.esp217 d9 RealShelterJJKST.esp218 da solitude smelter.esp219 db RealShelterJKWH.esp220 dc VioLens.esp221 dd ImmersiveLoversComfort.esp222 de zzzSXP.esp223 df SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators-Dawnguard.esp fFastTravelSpeedMult_4.esp Economics of Skyrim - Dawnguard.esp kuerteeProfessions.esp [mpx] npc gender race heights +dg-db.esp224 e0 ChildFollower.esp225 e1 XCES.esp ktxcompleteskyforge.esp 1nivWICSkyCloaksPatch-No ImpGuards.esp voidMountedFollowers.esp SME - Skill Balance.esp SME - Legendary Custom Difficulty.esp SME - Hearthfire Updates.esp aelathehuntress.esp splashofrain.esp powerofblood.esp vampirelord retexture.esp226 e2 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp227 e3 ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp228 e4 WetandCold - Ashes.esp229 e5 SleepTight.esp230 e6 CWICaranthirTowerPatch.esp231 e7 Dragon Soul Relinquishment.esp232 e8 Jaxonz merged.esp JaxonzMapMarkers.esp JaxonzEnhGrab.esp JaxonzRenamer.esp233 e9 DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp234 ea Proper Aiming.esp AK- Alternate Actors.esp PoS More Apocalypse Patch.esp235 eb JewelCraft-NoRename.esp236 ec UIExtensions.esp237 ed Better Vampires.esp Dawnguard - Join As A Vampire.esp238 ee SPTConsistentOlderPeople.esp RSChildren_PatchBooksofSkyrim.esp239 ef RSChildren_NonPlayableOverride.esp240 f0 RSChildren_PlayableOverride.esp241 f1 RGMsAntiqueCashRegister.esp242 f2 RDO - Cutting Room Floor Patch.esp243 f3 Harkon Dupe.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snelss0 Posted December 27, 2016 Share Posted December 27, 2016 Skyrim bakes information into your saves, so either load an earlier game before you installed the mods, run a script cleaning program, or start a new game entirely to fix the problem.As for your load order:1. NPC overhaul mods do not go well with City overhaul mods. You should really choose one or the other unless the mod is specifically mentioned by one or the other to be competely compatible. You can run into all sorts of issues.2. You are also running some individual city mods along with ETaC. Check to make sure these are compatible.3. JK's mods specifically mention how they are not compatible with Immersive citizens or Cutting room floor. JK's mods also are not compatible with ETaC, mostly due to Rorikstead, so if you are using the ETaC, make sure you aren't using the complete version.4. RS Children is set up to require a USKP on your game, but you aren't using the USKP. There is a USLEEP RS Children mod out by a different author. You can reinstall RS Children and do not select the USKP option5. You have a lot of script heavy mods. I would suggest using Alternate Start, even if you don't use a cheaty option. The way it loads in can help these scripts to load up smoother. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LionelLeonhart Posted December 27, 2016 Author Share Posted December 27, 2016 Thanks for getting back to me. I'll try and see if an older save is free of the problem. If not, can you use TesVEdit to clean a script the same way you clean a mod? Could you recommend a script cleaner? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
snelss0 Posted December 27, 2016 Share Posted December 27, 2016 Sorry, I just make clean new games. Script cleaners aren't 100% and I've played over 2.5k+ hours of Skyrim, so starting over is no big deal to me. Not sure about TES5Edit either. You can maybe google/youtube it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cripple2Cripple Posted December 28, 2016 Share Posted December 28, 2016 A good save game cleaner can be found here: After cleaning your saved game:1. load cleaned save up2. Kill your character - (this will cause Skyrim to create a new save with a regenerated character which will cause all scripts to reset) - at least this is my understanding of all the documentation I read. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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