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Well, ... no, you actually have to download it. unzip it (use 7-zip) install it into your oblivion/data folder (7-zip tales care of this while unziping - if you tell it to). Then enable the mod when you start up. And thats all.


All of the mods available on Tesnexus are free. and the advice in the forums is free too. Just remember the advice is just the opinion of the person who writes it. most of it is good.


Or - you can read the instructions for beginning mod users here first ( recomended) http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=21998


7-Zip will work with all of the zip formats used by the mod makers. it's FREE and available here. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=15579


If you have problems, post back, someone will help out.


Welcome to Tesnexus

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Hello ,


All those words : I'm getting crzay ! :wacko:


But I'm going to red the thingy for newbies that bben46 gave me .


But I'd like to say : Thank you very much guys !!

And you're realy helpfull people !! THX


Cheers !


PS : Now I have another problem :( But I don't know if you're going to be able to help me out but I gve it a shot.


I started Oblivion yesterday and I loaded my game , but the ground was in all coulours and a very strange structure , just like a skin or something in colours ( red , blue , white ,...)

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ow and another question : How can I Enable the mod when I start up ( what do I have to do then ) ?


Sorry for the stupid questions :s

The Launcher is the thingy that you'll get when you click the Shortcut that you'll get after Installation.

This shortcut will lead to "Oblivionlauncher.exe"

If you start that, you'll get this Window with "Play", "Data Files", "Options" and so on. In this Window, you'll click "Data Files". Another Window will pop up with a List of .esp Files (which are essentially the Mods) in the Data Folder within your Oblivion Folder. You'll check the ones with the Name of the Mods you want to play with, hit "ok" to be back at the "Oblivionlauncher.exe" Screen, where you'll hit "Play" to play.

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How can I get the mod there *


Oh and When I go to program files and i go to Bethesda , oblivion , Data , then I have all the things that are normal + a map ( that I placed there) with : Kvatch_Rebuilt_1-0-15412.


Maybe it's because I don't know how to unzip it . ( I downloaded the zipprogram )



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Re: 2 new problems - totally unrelated


Second problem first as that is the easiest.

Getting the mod to work after installing it properly When you first launch Oblivion one of the options on the first screen is Data Files'. select that one. It will show a list of all installed mods with a blank box to the left of each - click on the box to enable that mod. you only have to do this once for each new mod as Oblivion remembers which ones you selected or unselected the next time you start.



First problem May be easy, may be difficult.

Ground colors massed up - Purple I bet, and if you look close you will see the texture is tiny maps of the Imperial City. This is a bug.


Sometimes it can be easily fixed by going into options - NOT the one on the start screen, but the one you get when you hit 'esc' key in the game , then Video and changing the texture size to large. If that doesn't work, it gets complicated.


Its usually caused by installing something that overwrites a critical texture. Sometimes that is a wrong version of an oblivion patch. This is not an easy fix for someone not familiar with the file structure so this will be a long drawn out explanation that must be followed closely.


The only way I know of to fix it is to reinstall. But, Bethesda made uninstalling difficult. The uninstall on the disk does not remove the part that causes that problem.


Uninstalling Oblivion doesn't really uninstall the entire thing. It leaves behind several files such as your save game file, Oblivion.ini file, your /data file and some registry entries.


From my experience, the registry entries don't matter. But the others do.


If you are just starting the game you probably don't need to worry about losing your saved games. But your data file has all of your installed mods in it.


These instructions assume you are using the default path and running WinXP. the path is slightly different on Vista.


To save the data file with all of your mods, go to C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data.

Rename the /data folder to something like oldata.


To save the folder that has your saved games go to C:\Documents and settings\your name\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion

rename the /Oblivion folder to oldoblivion - this saves all of your saved games and your Oblivion.ini.


When you reinstall, It will create new files to replace the ones you deleted and a new data file for the one you renamed.


Then when you reinstall, first install the oblivion from the original disk. Then, before installing anything else, SI or mods start the game and make a save. This allows Oblivion to initialize everything that needs to be initialized when you start , Then, if you use SI, install SI. again start the game and make a save.


Now, download the latest patch - If you use SI, ONLY use the latest SI patch and not the oblivion patch. If you do NOT use SI, only use the latest Oblivion patch. you can get them here: http://www.elderscrolls.com/downloads/updates_patches.htm


Again, after installing the patch - only one - Start the game and make a save.


Now you should be at the beginning of the game with no mods. Now, go back to the new data folder (Oblivion/Data) and rename it to something like Newdata. Then rename the oldata back to data.


Now you should have all of your mods back. If one of them is a problem, you can always go back to the newdata.


To recover your old saves do the same with that folder, first rename the oblivion folder in that one to newoblivion then rename the one you named oldoblivion to oblivion. That puts all of your saved games back, and your oblivion.ini. if you changed anything in it. Plus, now you have the 'new game ' versions of both just in case.


If you lost all of your saves and don't want to go back through the training dungeon again, Try one of the mods that allows you to start somewhere else such as Alternative start Arrive by Ship: http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11495


Sounds like a lot of work, but it should leave you with a clean install.


We were all noobs once.


Good luck

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