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I need help please, it gets stucked


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Im on the quest when you have to becomne a nightingale, and after i got the armor, and i speak to Karliah, she ask me if im ready, but the, when I say yes, the conversation goes onagain, but they dont stay and karliah just start walking away from me, the other guy goes at the side of the bars and karliah just leaves the place and i cant do anything, I thought it was maybe because i had already put the mod for the nightingale shield, but i took of the selection for that on the menu, and is still the same... I got desperate and left to do the mages quests, and when I am on the "good intentions" quest and i need to speak with the psijic preast on the archmages chamber, the screen gets snowy and the psijic doesn't appear, the thalmor guy, the archmage, and my wife get frozen, i cant leave the place, and if i use the console to finish the quest, it says is finished but the snowy ambiance and the frozen characters dont come back to normal, and it doesn't let me leave the room, whats happening, can anyone help me??? please!!!
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