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Unable to use Menu/or delete save data.


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Well, I was playing Enderal. And went back to skyrim. Everything seems okay, save once i try to delete data, it doesn't let me. And I can't tab back to the menu. And after loading up the game to start a new one. I cannot click anything to make it respond. It loads, but its like it's not responsive to menu commands such as tab and Escape. So I am unable to actually do anything.


The steps I have taken were to re-install SKSE and SKYUI , but that has not changed anything. I re-installed the Better Console and Message boxes. And I have re-installed the Menu mod, which categorizes saves by name. But the problem still persists.. Am I going to have to do a clean re-install once again ? >.<




If my load order is necessary: http://mrbskyrimplay.blogspot.com/2016/06/current-load-order.html

Edited by MisterB1969
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