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VATS Shot Counter


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Ever go into VATS only to find out you didn't have enough AP to fire a shot? A simple counter of available VATS shots makes the game a lot more fluid and enjoyable. I made one for Fallout New Vegas but with very little programming and modding experience it's been impossible for me to replicate it in Fallout 4. I haven't checked the Nexus for a while and seeing this new HUD Framework I though that it might be possible/easier to do nowadays.


It should be a single digit that can be positioned anywhere and have some conditional formatting in order to stand out when low on VATS shots available.

0 - flashing red

1 - red

2 - yellow

3+ - green

9+ - invisible (maybe for Gun-Fu a double digit counter would be useful but I don't really know if you can reach more that 9 shots in VATS)


The formula - Available AP / Modified VATS Weapon AP Shot Cost with the result rounded down (Modified because it should account for any VATS AP cost reduction available to your character)


In terms of actual gameplay it is most useful when on low AP as it prevents you from wasting time and momentum by going in VATS without having the required AP to shoot. With this counter you just wait for the 0 to turn into 1, go in VATS and shoot. If you're also using a mod that disables the many VATS cameras it makes for really neat gameplay.


I really hope to see this made by someone. Thanks.


Edit: Just to be clear - the counter should be visible outside of VATS.

Edited by lasere200
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