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Glenver Castle Help


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Can someone make a small mod that brings the hand Icon back for secret doors and switches? because i'm just in the Botany Cave and i cant figure out what to do i feal like i've tried everyting
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There is a lot of help on the Glenvar Castle forum thread here http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=29517


Your problem is the most common one discussed. Finding the actuator to get out of the Botany. I suggest starting at the beginning of the thread to find that answer. Quartz gives a big hint on page 4. later on precise directions are given several times.


Then bookmark the thread because you will need it again and again. Glenvar is likely one of the most aggravating quests out there for Oblivion. It will have you beating you head on the wall more than once. But, remember, its worth it. The best castle mod by far in the game. Its not free, you have to work to get it. Quartz left out the 'helping hand' and green quest arrow on purpose.


Hint: look for a square shape on a round rock. extra light helps - my first time through I found it by using a nighteye spell.

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OK i'm at my wits end i can't find the brick i look and look and look and after that i have to just turn off collission to get through the wall. i reall y need a patch to make this mod easy. .to add ap markers and the helping hand pleas.
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This is just the first of many such hidden triggers. By finding this one it makes it much easier in the future. The forum thread has lots of help if you look there. Click on this and you will be taken there. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=8235


If you look, there is a detailed explanation of how to find that trigger.

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Instead of posting here, post you questions on the Glenvar Castle site. There are a dozen people who help on that one and you will probably get a quicker answer.


The the author Quartz checks that thread several times a day and has been very forthcoming with help.


It's the closest thing you are going to get to a walkthrough. It's not supposed to be easy. You are supposed to have to work to get it. You will appreciate it much more if you earn it.


If you don't know what to do, read the posts before asking. Almost every question you could possibly ask has already been answered there. Precise directions to every trigger, if you can't figure it out with the hints they give. Precise directions to get to the next stage if you don't have the patience to figure it out yourself. And lots of hints for those who enjoy puzzles.


If you don't know how to read the blacked out hints and solutions, you hold down your left mouse button while moving the pointer over them.


If you don't know how to get there, click on the highlighted link I am giving below.




Its a great mod and I think the best castle in the game.

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