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I tinkered with the Predator Vision mod


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Link to the mod: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/22274/?

I used tes5edit to remove the thermal vision effect, glad it didn't break the mod, then on the mcm set predator vision's brightness to 0%.
Here's the result with pairs of off and on:






I'm loving how the game looks with the vision on.

To me is the best visual enhacement to the game I've seen so far.


Edit: Immersive Saturation Boost will do the same and doesn't require fiddling or key presses. Now it's like the true fantasy game it should look like, no more excessive greyed colors.


Edit Edit: IMAGINATOR is one I found recently, it's old but it acomplishes what I wanted with flying colors. I'm a bit sad immersive saturation boost failed to deliver.

Edited by hugojmaia
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