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Video Game that needs to be made.


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Take Skyrims beauty and setting. Now add a "sims" style gameplay. You could choice different life styles such as, a farmer peasant, merchant, or part of royal family who someday could become king (Jarl). Im having a hard time trying to explain this "Great" Idea I have. Basically be able to super RP in skyrim (or any game like it really). Following pretty much the same rules as the Sims.


What do you all think?

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I remember I had a similar idea for Oblivion. It'd be nice to have the freedom to forge a unique story without any guidance, but yet somehow still make it important.
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I had a idea like this once also for oblivion, but decided to wait for Skyrim to put it into effect.

I have other ideas for the construction set nw but ill share an idea that I thought would be great (and far beyond my scripting abilities)


I thought this would be cool so feel free to attempt it:

You can also have children in the game, you influance their growth and when your character dies a script comes into effect:

The script leaves a copy of your dead character at the location that you died and you instantly 'become' one of your children, with thir abilities etc. Thing is all the quests as your main character are still completed so its kinda like carrying on a legacy etc etc and you get a quest to recover the previous player's bodyand items etc.

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