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Merging some mods, need input.


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So I have been looking at Weaponsmith Extended but I dont want to go through all that trouble when I could just probably merge the weapons I want and exclude the ones I dont want from that list for Weaponsmith Extended. Question is though, what can I do to ensure that once I combine the mods I want, that it has no bugs and if it does, what guide can teach me to clean it up? Or would just merging just be simple in the end and keep all weapon mods records in tact?

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There are also plenty of tutorials geared specifically to weapon mod merges. The most common sort of merge you have to do is leveled lists. But you may also need to make merge decisions on things like damage or mod changes. After you've finished with the above link's overall basics, just google "Fallout 4 weapon mod merge tutorial" or better yet, search for tutorials on specific merge tasks such as merging leveled lists.

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If you're merging weapon mods with scripted leveled lists rather than the old overwrite method, you shouldn't need to do anything special with them. I used Merge Plugins to merge most of the weapon mods I have installed that use scripts for their leveled lists, and so far they've been working without any issues (besides needing to spawn weapons that I had before merging due to the form IDs changing, obviously, but that will happen regardless of how you merge them). For anything that uses the old overwrite method, I would definitely do it manually.
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