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discussion for more immersive quest-line


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Hello everyone.



Skyrim has many "factions" to choose from siding with, so every dragonborn's ultimate goal is hack and slash her/his way to be leader, stromcloacks/imperials leader, thieves/ rotherhood leader, companions, blades, etc...


This will be sort of like mod request but not yet. i dont know how to search for such thing in mod requests and in mods site as well so this is my idea:

when you actually become leader of movement, most npc's from there become available to be as followers, i dream of a quest line which would add option on those npc's that they would be trying to find you and ask to help when with better equips, this way your crafting skills would get better, better alchemy and enchanting, also more immersion from this aspect- you would feel needed, not just you come somewhere and must actualy ask yourself if theres anything needs to be done, and last part, there are mods which adds challenge encounters, like attack on something, so people you care about would not die so fast.


thanks everyone for your opinions, and lets hope this idea will see light of the day

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