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Messed up graphics.


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Greetings everybody!


So I played oblivion for like a month with all the good mods. Natural environments; Quarls texute pack 3; Illumination whitin; almost everything viewable and stuff.


Recently I wanted to install a pose mod. In order for the mod to work I start the Oblivion Launcher and enable the files in the data section. When I started the launcher it said detecting video settings or something and turned everything to low. I started from obse like I usually do and changed the graphics to max and restarted. No effect. Everything was on low. I restarted several times with the same result. I tried the consle saveini command and then save.ini and I finaly managed to put everything on high.


Except when i start the game from obse in order for all my mods to work I encounter some bugs. First there is some shadows bug with black spots on me and NPCs but I fixed it by disabling self shadows. But what really bugs me is this:









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