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Clothes Glitch


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I was playing Skyrim and decide to get married to Njada, but I did not like her helmet, so I started to look for someway to get it off. I didn't think to add her as a follower then give her a better helmet so she would equip that one then I could take both. Anyway, eventually I found a command called 'removeallitems' so I tried and it worked then I added her to my party and gave her back some steel armour. Everything was fine until I noticed that all other potential followers weren't wearing clothes either so I would make them follow me and then give them their armour (Which was in their inventory, but they wouldn't equip it unless I took it and gave it back). Then I would come back later in they would be naked again. Please help. It is really annoying.
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Yeah, it would be awesome to give your friends gifts of ebony armor and weapons and have them actually wear it afterwards. I tried the ".removeallitems" but as you said their default armor re-spawns, and you have to manually trigger given items ever time they join your service, with the exception of superior weapons. For some reason they stay, but not superior armors. :sad:


Though i have never experienced the naked bug that you speak of.

Edited by surg23
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equipitem <object id> rinse and repeat as needed ... Forces the item to be equipped ... (run around putting the Nocturnal's Robe on all female NPC's, the market at Whiterun looks like a Nightmarish Roman Orgy :teehee: )


Also, instead of removeallitems which only gets rid of there current equipped items and NOT there default/magically respawning items use


showinventory (With the NPC selected of course)


page up and page down the list and look for anything that says (worn) then using that object id


removeitem <object id> 12 (the number at the end specifies not only to remove the current version of the item but also any hidden, previously spawned versions of the same item.)


All of these are only temporary fixes, as they will always respawn the default equipment on save/reload or fire/re-hire.

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