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Two Handed strategy on Expert?


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Not really. Many people manage it to complete this questline withhout dragons triggered. Means no shouts.

Some people play on Master too.


You dont need to rush in headlessly and expect managing to kill them all. You dont need to use exploits or anything like that and a retreat to recover yourself isnt a shame.

Perhaps not, but it takes much longer.


And trying to keep beeing out of hitrange isnt a exploit. As long as you dont abuse their pathfinding.

As much as the AI is stupid, it's nice to pretend they're real. So while jumping on a platform out-of-reach is within the game's mechanics and technically not an exploit, if NPCs were sentient, they could jump anywhere the player could. Perhaps not an exploit, but definately immersion breaking.



Another variant: Go into that area and leave it again. They will still be at that level, even if you come back with some levels more. At least i think so.

According to UESP, "the level of a given dungeon is fixed the first time you enter it" and that jives with what I've experienced. So while it's in the game's mechanics to enter all dungeons at an early level to permanently set them, I'm not convinced this feature was intended to be used as such. Actually, I consider it beneficial that exporting a character into a new game resets the dungeons to my new higher level.

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Having gone further in the game, I've found things became better when I started using a sword-shield combo. That, Superior Steel everything, and the 25% armor boost have made my character pretty bulky. Not bulky enough to take on those centipede things and their falmer friends, nor enough to not get my face torn off by a bear, but enough to handle bandit, dragur, wolves and all the other low level mobs at level 15.


It was awesome going blade to blade with a bandit outlaw on master. It felt like a real fight for my life with us exchanging block and parry for few minutes.


Gotta say, armor rating is really important. I think I can safely assert that smithing does not suck!

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I don't understand the question. When you play on Expert or Master the game automatically makes you take more damage and dish out less, so the fight you describe is how it should play out. If you want to fight fair, play Adept. The harder settings are meant to force things like potion addictions and such. It's supposed to be frustrating when you hit them half a dozen times but fall after 2 hits yourself.


I don't mind using crazy and funny tactics myself when going against stronger foes or being outnumbered, but it does suck when you've built up your one-handed skills and smithed and improved some nice weapons and still feel like you're fighting with chopsticks even against low level enemies.

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I don't understand the question. When you play on Expert or Master the game automatically makes you take more damage and dish out less, so the fight you describe is how it should play out. If you want to fight fair, play Adept. The harder settings are meant to force things like potion addictions and such. It's supposed to be frustrating when you hit them half a dozen times but fall after 2 hits yourself.


Hmmm, I never complained about the balance, merely stated what was happening. I don't care that the enemies have an apparent unfair advantage, I just want to know how to meet the challenge. Not entirely satisfied with the suggestions posted here so far, but I do appreciate the help.


@Ferodaktyl, good tip using narrow corridors.


I still think proper use of shouts, with help from buffs and potions, might enable me to stand my ground. I just haven't had much time to refine the tactic as I'm engaged in revamping the company website at the moment.

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A quick FUS followed by a sword flurry seems to do well. It staggers them long enough for you to attack without exposing yourself and, because it's only a level one shout, it recharges quickly. Also, the Kill shout has become indispensable for me.
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A quick FUS followed by a sword flurry seems to do well. It staggers them long enough for you to attack without exposing yourself and, because it's only a level one shout, it recharges quickly. Also, the Kill shout has become indispensable for me.


If the second word of a shout is learned, is it still possible to shout the lower word? I read something on a loading screen about holding down the shout key for stronger shouts, but if that's true, how to gauge how long is enough is puzzling me. You mentioned FUS, but Tiid, Klo, and Ul (the time slowing shouts) also sound interesting, though I haven't acquired them yet. Unfortunately I just read that the amulet of Talos cannot be disenchanted so creating more 'Fortify Shouts' buffs is vanilla impossible.


Another question. Since I can probably only get one spell off with my limited magic bar, would paralyze, fear or something else be the best bet?


The Lord Stone or the Lady Stone? I've been praying at the shrine of Kynareth, but the extra 25 Stamina hardly seems worth it anymore at a higher level. Would you agree Talos is a better choice?

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So what would be a good tactic for a Two Handed warrior against 4 Silverhand melee fighters, who individually can kill with 2 or 3 hits? There is a companion, but he's not much help and has troubles of his own. With limited healing potions and magic, to win I kept striking then running back (and even out the dungeon once) to separate the opponents and to regain my vitals. Success in the end, but it felt really lame. Thoughts?


Lower difficulty, or use speedmult cheat , when they are about to strike u quickly move back.


Playing above Adept is frustrating and too much demanding.

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Lol it's funny how some people think Master is too easy and others think it's too hard:). I tend to go for the middle myself, I like a challenge but I don't like getting 1-hit by an Ancient Dragon:(.


Anyway, I would recommend Sneaking around, even if you don't have a Bow. Sneak behind one of them, (won't be easy but in leveled dungeons it should be possible) and give them your best powershot from behind, then run away and hide. Come back again, and repeat till you are left with a manageable set of opponents.


Also, at least at lower levels, neither you nor your opponents have any perks so I would imagine it's possible to avoid blows from 1 or 2 opponents if they have 2-handed weapons (because they're slow in swinging those things and usually it's the 2-handed wielders that hit you hardest at start imo). That's pretty much how I kill Draugr Deathlords at low levels, avoid their swing then hit them, avoid again, hit again, etc.

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