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I can't equip normal vanilla armor without the game crashing.


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I was downloading some armor retexture mods for the vanilla armor and while testing one my game would constantly crash. So i uninstalled the mod, relaunched Skyrim and tried to equip the retextured vanilla armor and my game crashed again (Had multiple installed at the time and everything was working). So I uninstalled all my retexture mods for the normal armor and tried again, the game crashed again when trying to equip the armor even though I haven't got the mods installed.


I really don't understand what's happened and any help would be great.



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Try loading a save from before you installed the original armor mod and reinstall that mod first, just to make sure there are no lingering files.

I have just went though multiple saves and I still can't equip normal vanilla armor without the mod installed and I've also tried with the mod installed and still nothing.

The game continues to crash every time I try and equip the normal armor.


Any tips?

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