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Merge plugins


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Hi everyone. My name is James. I want to ask about how to merge plugins in Fallout 4. Currently, I have 249 esps, many of which add or modify a few records. I wish to be able to merge them so that it is easier for me to keep track of them. There are three ways I was informed:


- Using FO4edit, this is time-consumin and somewhat tedious since there are hundreds of recoreds need merging

- Using Merge script, this generates a number of merges that do not work

- Using Merge Plugin standalone, which at this point I am confused because it requires papyrus flag from the script folder which is not generated by installing the current GECK


So, with no optionl left, what am I to do? Should I wait or risk using incomplete merges? Please help. Any insight is valuable.

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Merge Plugins is your best bet. The papyrus flags are optional, just don't merge scripts (better of you do but not a deal breaker). For the best possible merge, you should run your load order through LOOT, commit all of the bash tags LOOT recommends, generate a bashed patch, and merge it as well as the very last .esp.


Thanks. I have two questions though:


- I am using the merge script version, so I will be able to merge esps through FO4edit. Is this ok?

- Also, as I tried merging through FO4edit, I have come to the problem of conflicting formID. I was not notified of this and when I found out, I was astonished. How should I deal with it?

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