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Good evil race for new playthrough


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I have a few new mods to try out on Skyrim for a fresh play through (After waiting so long I finally have some that suit my dark tastes)


All that is missing is a new custom race. I am sick of using my own race mods (The Daeva, The Dark Ones and The Fallen Race, I have played as these races way too much and am bored of them.)


Does anyone know of any good evil/demonic custom races that are not just generic white skinned human races that are just copies of the vanilla races or any good combo of mods to create a custom evil character. e.g. red eyes and skin, horns, wings, hooves, tails etc.




Also forgot to ask is there any mod for Skyrim that adds a character portrait to the inventory screen like Morrowind and Oblivion???

Edited by morrowind1979
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