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Humble Home


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I would love a home, a Humble Home!

I was hoping once the CK Was release a modder would make a mod.






In my game I play as NPC'ish as I can. Meaning I don't pickpocket, Fast Travel, or steal or do quest. So I am not a dragonborn. Which means I am not worthy of a house.

so my appeal to you talented modders is to create a rundown shack abandoned in the middle of the island (the island should be in a sea).

This is open for discussion, I am just sowing the seeds for the great idea that are sure to come in the next few minutes.


If possible the house should be discovered through a quest when an old hunter tells you to go find (insert awesome hunting item here) in he abandoned shack. When you come back to hand him the item he starts crying and tells you to take the abandoned shack. (This needs some huge improvement t by YOU Guys.




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