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CTD When Starting Combat


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Oh s***t ! It took almost my all day. I found the conflict mod. It was "floating healtbars". Hope it can be helpfull for somebody.




(sorry for bad gramar)

Hi guyz,

I'm using ModOrganizer and Loot and Wrye Bash (for bashed patch) , Tes5edit (for cleaning), Fnıs patch, dualsteathredux patch, skse , papyrus, crash fixes and safety load.

Here my mod list in modwatch


(cleaned esm means update.esm and dlc's esm files)

My problem is,

When I hit a NPC (especially enemy) there is no problem but when the enemy attemp to hit me, my game s giving crash to desktop.

I tried ,

-Order my plugings with Loot /(again)
-Build bashed-dsr-fnıs patches again
-Untick several mods whics include combat options or tweaks include animastion and audio mods

So, I couldnt fix the problem. I dont know which mods conflict each other. If you guys help me, I will very appreciative.

best regards... :smile:

Edited by ismetisgor
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