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Ankh-Morpork in Skyrim.


Ankh-Morpork in Skyrim  

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I'm working on it, just installed the ck a few minutes ago I'll probably have finished a test cell of the mended drum in a few hours.


Ok, so I've been messing around for about half an hour and its clear we need a mesh for a wizard hat... and Ponder's glasses.

Edited by slaineify
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I'm working on it, just installed the ck a few minutes ago I'll probably have finished a test cell of the mended drum in a few hours.


Ok, so I've been messing around for about half an hour and its clear we need a mesh for a wizard hat... and Ponder's glasses.


Excellent, I can't wait to see how it turns out. How difficult is the CK to learn?

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As far as I have seen, the game lacks proper buildings that could be used for Ankh Morpork. We really need half-timbered and stone houses + some luxurious mansions for the rich districts. Not to mention the rundown houses for the Shades and unique buildings like the Unseen University, the Partician's Palace and so on.

Any skilled modellers out there?


Otherwise, we should start with the basics: TC or part of Skyrim?

I would prefer the TC approach. Make this a seperate esm and get rid of all unnecessary clutter and ballast. Such a big city will eat enough ressources so having the world of Skyrim in the background would be overkill. Besides, the TC could be expanded... Does Skyrim have cabbage?


Let's start by finding out how many cells Ankh Morpork would need. We need a map of Ankh-Morpork and someone needs to toy around with the Creation Kit to see how much of the city can be put into a Skyrim cell. Then the city gets divided up into the appropriate amount of cells. I fear we need to create big fundaments for every cell to properly portray the streets, the pavewalks and so on.

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As far as I have seen, the game lacks proper buildings that could be used for Ankh Morpork. We really need half-timbered and stone houses + some luxurious mansions for the rich districts. Not to mention the rundown houses for the Shades and unique buildings like the Unseen University, the Partician's Palace and so on.

Any skilled modellers out there?


Otherwise, we should start with the basics: TC or part of Skyrim?

I would prefer the TC approach. Make this a seperate esm and get rid of all unnecessary clutter and ballast. Such a big city will eat enough ressources so having the world of Skyrim in the background would be overkill. Besides, the TC could be expanded... Does Skyrim have cabbage?


Let's start by finding out how many cells Ankh Morpork would need. We need a map of Ankh-Morpork and someone needs to toy around with the Creation Kit to see how much of the city can be put into a Skyrim cell. Then the city gets divided up into the appropriate amount of cells. I fear we need to create big fundaments for every cell to properly portray the streets, the pavewalks and so on.


I see what you mean. The shades would almost have to be created from scratch.


The streets are different depending on the area as well, so many different textures will be needed for that.


It might end up being a city with multiple areas, such as in Oblivion. The larger cities required traveling through a door and loading a new area.


Then there is the Ankh, is it possible to create a river that you can walk on and that catches on fire in the summer? There is already flammable liquid present, so perhaps a combination of properties could be used?


In the end, it will have to start small anyways. First the Mended Drum, then the rest. The single hardest part may be the Unseen University.

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Here are two maps of AM:




The only way to properly present this city without killing our PCs would be achieved by creating several cells (hopefully, they will be as close as possible to the different districts) that are surrounded by invisible borders acting like doors. Alternatively, someone suggested the "mine/cave entrance" transition.

The Mended Drum is an excellent start and I do hope the game has at least one proper interior for this well-known establishment.


I have even found some pictures:

Mended drum exterior: http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=de&client=firefox-a&hs=D6u&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:de:official&biw=1920&bih=884&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=onnwUaKcDgn_vM:&imgrefurl=http://www.dawn-of-the-gods.com/sammler_henryk.html&docid=oaxPiQinYxCEkM&imgurl=http://www.dawn-of-the-gods.com/bilder/sammler/henryk/DW47.jpg&w=800&h=554&ei=VBk0T5rHOpHY4QSo1cSfAg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=222&sig=111120650872691629739&page=1&tbnh=120&tbnw=159&start=0&ndsp=55&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&tx=82&ty=64



The interior should reflect the measures and size of the exterior. Otherwise, due to all the brutal barfights and big fires in AM, the interior probably changes constantly, so there is no official one to copy.

It should have a bar to the right, some stairs to the cellar and to the first floor where the rooms are situated.

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Here are two maps of AM:




The only way to properly present this city without killing our PCs would be achieved by creating several cells (hopefully, they will be as close as possible to the different districts) that are surrounded by invisible borders acting like doors. Alternatively, someone suggested the "mine/cave entrance" transition.

The Mended Drum is an excellent start and I do hope the game has at least one proper interior for this well-known establishment.


I have even found some pictures:

Mended drum exterior: http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=de&client=firefox-a&hs=D6u&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:de:official&biw=1920&bih=884&tbm=isch&prmd=imvns&tbnid=onnwUaKcDgn_vM:&imgrefurl=http://www.dawn-of-the-gods.com/sammler_henryk.html&docid=oaxPiQinYxCEkM&imgurl=http://www.dawn-of-the-gods.com/bilder/sammler/henryk/DW47.jpg&w=800&h=554&ei=VBk0T5rHOpHY4QSo1cSfAg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=222&sig=111120650872691629739&page=1&tbnh=120&tbnw=159&start=0&ndsp=55&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&tx=82&ty=64



The interior should reflect the measures and size of the exterior. Otherwise, due to all the brutal barfights and big fires in AM, the interior probably changes constantly, so there is no official one to copy.

It should have a bar to the right, some stairs to the cellar and to the first floor where the rooms are situated.


Bar fights, musicians dodging axes, all the different races.


I cant wait to test it :)

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the test cell I've been working on is the UU interior, because i saw a really nice idea ( Can't remember who said it) about the wizards opening a portal to skyrim after trying to make a wormhole from the kitchen so they don't have to walk to get cake, anyway I've added an Im-betweeny cell with a portal that takes the form of a nord catacomb with some wizards investigation it after coming through the portal (Ponder has to be there) and possibly a trigger where they get attacked by draugr and the player has to save them. Also as a side thingy I've been trying to make the lantern hold-able like a torch so the guard can walk around on rainy nights with cloaks on shouting 1 o'clock and all's well. I'll upload a few pics soon.
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the test cell I've been working on is the UU interior, because i saw a really nice idea ( Can't remember who said it) about the wizards opening a portal to skyrim after trying to make a wormhole from the kitchen so they don't have to walk to get cake, anyway I've added an Im-betweeny cell with a portal that takes the form of a nord catacomb with some wizards investigation it after coming through the portal (Ponder has to be there) and possibly a trigger where they get attacked by draugr and the player has to save them. Also as a side thingy I've been trying to make the lantern hold-able like a torch so the guard can walk around on rainy nights with cloaks on shouting 1 o'clock and all's well. I'll upload a few pics soon.



How goes the Ankh effort? How will UU be rendered on the outside?

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This would be awesome! However Discworld's just so ridiculous that I can't seem to visualize it in Skyrim. At all. Sigh- not enough brain juice flowing through the left side of my brain, I guess.
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