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User "GovnoWriter" causing Fallout 4 Mod issues.


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Concerning Fallout 4. Is there a reason "GovnoWriter" keeps blocking me from his mods? I don't understand? I reported a bug then he blocks me?? I was not rude or crude and I was polite. I am just wondering what I did.
I was polite and he has been deleting a few people's posts and ignoring bugs. He made the mod "craftsman". He made a few others and many of them are broken.
It is just not fair to other players and it could potentially wreck people's games due to his negligence.

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...just as well in all of his new mods he is ignoring almost ANY comments if they aren't geared up to suck up to him. If you are going to make buggy incomplete mods then do not lure gamers into thinking the mod is clean or well done by erasing any and all comments. The admins should really take a solid look at this and consider taking this junk down to aid all the gamers from stepping into this trap. For whatever his excuse is, they are broken mods by GovnoWriter. He blocks people who post bugs about any of his work, he won't save any posts unless someone is sucking up and there have been massive bugs in all of his work thus far as tested by MANY I know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Be cautious. Just a heads up. It has wrecked quite a few other people's games and he chooses to ignore the issues causing this as well as disregards questions. So.....hope all is good. Later. :~P

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