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7 Dragon Balls ...summon the eternal dragon! >=O


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So, i was wondering...

I;ve seen pretty decent perfect cell, and goku models around.


Would it be doable to do something like add say 7 npcs that roam around skyrim that each have a dragonball?


Something like



(Everytime your like "wtf just happened, how did i die?!"

That was just Broly flying by, Destroying everything. Every idea to take him out is pretty much off the table he's so op.

The only way to subdue him if it's atall possible would be by teaming up with Goku, and when i say teaming up, i mean mostly debuffing Broly while trying not to die, while making sure the battlefield is adequately supplied with all the snacks Goku should require.

Aggro:Tries to Navigate towards Goku, but isn;t quite as fast, and usually needs to stop for a moment every meow and then to yuno... destroy everything in the vicinity, and yell Kakarot a bunch.



(uses gadgets, and science to be able to do things like turn invisible, Create barrier with decent resistance since she could probably take no more than one or two blows from a dagger, or be susceptible to a poison attack without it. ability to slow down, or silence the player, possibly even calling upon Whis if she stays alive to long after going going below hp trigger, this could always easily be tossed together as a falling white light ending your life or something, Bulma op)

Aggro:non-aggressive would generally prefer to flee than risk her life, or fight someone.



(Should be basically impossible for anyone to find a way to beat this guy)

Aggro:May or may not aggro you, Also peruses Goku, but not in quite of an aggressive, or persistent of manor as Broly.



(Even in only base form at this point the fight should feel pretty impossible to the player, broken amounts of hp, defense, attack, speed)

Aggro:Difficult to provoke, rampages about skyrim tracking down and eating all the food. If being engaged in battle is preventing consumption of more food for to long he will just teleport away.



(Poisoning is no longer an option, and almost all sorts of attacks would be completely useless you have something pretty gamebreaking, could possibly convince Bulma to help you make a remote to disactivate her ~_^)

Aggro:Easily Angered



(move up to someone a normal human could never take down, but a slight possibility in the world of skyrim. as a non hostile human you could possibly poison him, or if you are really that broken op in the game you could make it an epic duel.)



7:Choutsu, Yamcha, Raditz, yagarobi, mr.satan.

(There's allot of people the 7th ball could be, one of the weaker choices would be interesting, fighting someone like Mr.Satan who is one of the strongest humans, would get you prepared for the idea of that insane power scaling difference.)



tbh i care less about the wish, or shenron, or anything like that compared to the adventure, and ideas of these dudes existing in skyrim, right?


I won't even get into the fact that i think Bulma could take Broly since technically science was was brought about his demise in the end, however i just feel like he would be more terrifying in skyrim considering Bulma probably wouldn't aggro like Broly would.


I know it sounds ambitious, but i think allot of people would love the s#*! out of something like this, also you could probably get some really quality voices for something like this since tfs would likely be over the moon about a dbz mod on that scale.



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