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I lost my Pyromacter!


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I have been, uh..."experimenting" with necromancy, maybe just a little...and I decided to make THE ULTIMATE ZOMBIE WARRIOR!!! but you know, just a little...


so I found what I thought would make the best zombie, this guy that was a pain in the azz for my archer to kill, yes magic is not my forte, managed to kill this guy just to find out he was too strong for me to bring back to life. well I can't have that, it totally defeats the purpose of trying to find THE ULTIMATE ZOMBIE WARRIOR!!! (echo...echo...)


so I downloaded a mod called: FluxMOD - Enchanced Dead Thrall Spell, props to the maker, love it! (find it here: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4024)


It removed the level cap so I could make fire boy my slave. which worked really well, he pwned anyone who so-much as looked at me funny, while I sat back and laughed maniacally.


So as an experiment I went and got another mage caller the caller, who unlike fire boy, is actually an NPC, meaning after death I can use the console to summon her dead body, then reanimate her, pretty useful for a mage thief hybrid. because as any thief could tell you sneaking into museum with a couple of groaning zombies following you, is not the easiest thing to do, more-so when they are blasting fireballs at every guard that walks by...


So I got the bright idea that if it worked with caller, it should work with fire boy too, but... it doesn't... I thought I could just store their dead bodies in that secret room in my house in Windhelm, and no-one's the wiser, but as it turns out, nonspecific NPCs disappear....


so I need your help to ether use the console to transport fire boy's dead body, or tell me how I can make it so his body doesn't disappear after death.


here is the method I used to transport caller's body to me:

open the console, and type "save temp 1"

this opens a text file with all your info in it (this is also the easiest way to find your lost follower, namely stray dog)

I searched for "the caller" and got the following numbers.

then I made a bat file called "caller" and added the following lines


prid 0004D247

moveto player


which works perfectly fine but bat "pyro"


prid 00030A89

moveto player


doesn't work, can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?


NOTE: this is Arch Pyromancer

Edited by karaigamer
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I was walking with Pyromancer and Arch-Cryomancer for a long time, and console worked perfectly, even when I was forced to leave them behind during Diplomatic immunity quest, I was able to summon them afterwards.


Are you sure that you have correct Pyromancer ID?

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the only ID I could find for Pyro was under Antronoc in the temp file, which I am assuming doesn't work after the body disappears.


I found that if you leave them for a while (I locked them in my basement) the bodies disappear, and I could not get them back, not even the caller, so I just wrought them off...


I think I'm just going to use NPC editor to turn Onmund into a pyromancer, then have him mysteriously die...in witch case his body should always be in the hall of dead, where I should be able to snatch it...

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