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Skyrim crashing on new game or save load, with or without mods.


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Hey all


So I haven't touched Skyrim in about 3 days, and the last time I did it was working fine. Trying to load my save instantly ctds during the load screen, as does starting a new game. I have now disabled all my mods, tried starting without skse, reset my ini's to default. Still nothing. What's really frustrating me is that I have done nothing to it since I last played and it was working fine and stable. What could've changed since then? File corruption? Creation kit still launches fine and I can use that program all the same. Anyone have any ideas, as I'd like to try and avoid having to completely reinstall the game. There's gotta be a reason why it'd do this, and beyond mod conflicts of which there are none, especially since they're all disabled and ghosted I'm at a loss.


Edit: Verified my cache, unsurprisingly did nothing. Think I have no choice but to reinstall, though I am making a backup of my skyrim folder first.


Solved: Well it's embarassing and highly infuriating, but after completely reinstalling and filtering in one folder at a time from my old data folder, I found the issue. I was modding Fallout 4 the other day and since the 2 folders are next to each other on my desktop, I must've accidently dropped a hud.swf file into the interface folder of skyrim, which unsurprisingly was causing it to ctd. So there we go, no interesting problem to solve just my own stupidity. Bleh.

Edited by Drazhar753
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Who really knows. It could be user error or it could be something like Skyrim or your videocard updating and now is conflicting with some small thing. I've never experienced this myself, but I've seen the issue arise a bit, and since you have uninstalled all of your mods already, I just recommend doing a clean install. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/906390-cleaning-skyrim-for-fresh-install/


If this ever happens again, try first to restart your computer. It can be as simple as that sometimes to fix. Next, if that didn't help, try deleting your main game .esms. They should be in your skyrim/data folder and should be skyrim.esm, update.esm, and then the dlc .esms if you have the dlc. Then reverify your cache. Clean your master files and then boot up the game in your launcher. Let it detect your video settings and then try your game to see if it works properly.

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Oh, good, you solved it. Well there you go :tongue:


Yup, but thank you for your response all the same. The things you pointed are good advice though, as I have seen/had this problem in the past where it inexplicably starts crashing for no apparent reason, though things like video card updates or errors in the plugins.txt were the cause in those past cases. I was worried about my videocard updating or steam perhaps downloading/replacing something for whatever reason, but I did indeed restart before I made any major changes.

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