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Improving Alchemy Bench & Kitchen equipment


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Request that I have no idea how to implement.


EDIT / TLDR - looking for some way to dump the entire potion / ingredient / food categories into special containers (or even ALL containers) with a single click. Or even with a console command (batch file?)




Basically I'd want alchemy benches (specifically the ones you purchase for your house, but its OK if it applies to all of the) to have built in / attached storage such that when you use the alchemy bench, everything in the storage is treated as being in your inventory (or is actually added to inventory, but then goes back in storage automagically when you stop using the bench). Because of how the interface works, the "storage" would probably have to be a separate object; perhaps putting the leg less alchemy bench on top of a fancy dresser would work?


As an extra feature, the ability to dump ALL your "ingredients" into this storage with a single click would be pretty huge as well. In fact, simply having such a container located near your alchemy workbench would be 99% as good as the above idea, because you could grab everything from it (as with any container), go work on the alchemy bench, then go back to the container and dump all the ingredients. Since you wouldn't be walking far, it wouldn't matter how much weight you had.


Hmm, and while at it, a container you could dump all your potions into with a single click would also be good. And one for food items in the kitchen, too!

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That is, in essence, part of COBL in Oblivion. I imagine that COBL will make the move into Skyrim as soon as the magicians learn how to use CK.
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