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My Skyrim Modding disaster... plz halp


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First off, I was originally trying to get Skyrim Real Vision to work, and i used this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9b67Fqou7Bw

I originally was having a graphical issue where when I walked in the sunlight from the dragonsreach after fast travel as a vampire my screen would go whit and I could see black water and smoke sometime, with weird blue lines and boxes at certain angles. So I thought hey, ill just reactivate my 2k texture in NMM, and I did and then it didn't work, and I would check it, close the NMM, open it up again and it would be unchecked. I couldn't figure out what to do so I thought if I got a whole new graphical mod setup I would be fine so I followed the instructions in the video above to install real vision, while I got a bunch of the mods that the creator of real vision recommended. but when I tried installing real vision from the RV_launcher.exe (that's right, I've done this all so many times I cant remember the names of a bunch of random files) but I would get an error message saying "unhandled exception has occurred" etc etc etc. So I spent a while looking up fixes, to not having and results. So then I saw a post:


and I did what it said, only to get the same error message, even after multiple re-downloads of Real Vision. So I was like, screw it, and deleted Skyrim and NMM. Then reinstalled and woke up a few hours later to try something new, I got Mod Manager, from the nexus, which I already like much more than NMM, and I copied all my mods from NMM and pasted them in Mod Managers mods, then I installed them on mod manager and deleted everything off of NMM. (NOTE- in the middle of me trying to get Real Vision to work earlier, the mods I got, had started unchecking themselves like my 2k texture one was, the main reason I switched mod managers). After installing the mods in Mod Manager and moving the load order around, I start up Skyrim and check the data files page on the launcher, guess what, no f*#@ing mods (except ELFX Weathers). so I look around on the internet for a good hour, can't find anything, can't remember if I found anything else other than adding the one to the line of script under [uploads] (which was already there btw). I got SKSE again to see if SkyUI would work, SKSE was successfully installed, but of course, SkyUI doesn't work. This has basically turned into a game on it's own, where I don't want to be defeated by this stupid bug, glitch or whatever is going on here that isn't letting me use mods, I really don't want to give up, and I have no idea what else to do. Plz halp? :(

My original Reddit post: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/comments/5lckow/help_im_trying_to_run_rv_launcherexe_but_i_keep/?

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