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Area around Cabot House is missing


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I have a similar problem to: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4688510-huge-amount-of-downtown-missing-cabot-house-area/

I don't have the mods that caused the issue, and I don't have the expertise to know which mods are causing the issue

Here is my load order:


*Companion Infinite Ammo and Unbreakable Power Armour.esm
*tumbajamba Advanced Engineering.esp
*combat_PA - tAE - AWKCR.esp
*test - deleveled perks.esp
*More Power Armour Mods.esp
*Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp
*More armor slots.esp
*More armor slots - AWKCR.esp
*test - deleveled items.esp
*Modern Firearms.esp
*Fallout 1 Game Over.esp
*Danse GTFO Power Armor.esp
*Crafting Workbench.esp
*Crafting Workbenches - Ammo.esp
*Crafting Workbenches - Ammo Special.esp
*Crafting Workbenches - Automatron DLC.esp
*Crafting Workbenches - Junk Items.esp
*Crafting Workbenches - Power Armor.esp
*Crafting Workbenches - Pre War and Manufactured.esp
*Foggy Rooms Defogged.esp
*Armorsmith Extended.esp
*test - npc tweaks.esp
*test - tweaked weapons.esp
*Arbitration - Better Combat AI.esp
*Arbitration - Fall Damage Overhaul.esp
*Arbitration - Farther Grenade Detection.esp
*Weapons of Fate.esp
*Raider Children.esp
*test - base mod.esp
*Arbitration - Molotov.esp
*Arbitration - Reduced Grenade Spam.esp
*Arbitration - Reload and Walk Speed.esp
*Arbitration - Sneak Detection Distance Increase.esp
*Arbitration - Speed Uninstaller (Remove This and Save).esp
*Arbitration - Stealth Overhaul.esp
*Arbitration - Automatron AI.esp
*Killable Children - Far Harbor.esp
*Killable Children.esp
*Lasers Have No Recoil.esp
*More Durable Power Armor - 75%.esp
*No Aggro Impact Landing.esp
*More Power Armour Mods - X-02.esp
*Realistic Death Physics.esp
*test - combat stealth.esp
*test - crafting tweaks.esp
*test - perk tweaks.esp
*test - deleveled items dlc1.esp
*test - deleveled items dlc3.esp
*test - npc tweaks dlc1.esp
*test - npc tweaks dlc3.esp
*test - tweaked weapons dlc1.esp
*test - tweaked weapons dlc3.esp
*test - dlc deleveled perks.esp
*Brotherhood Power Armor Overhaul.esp
*The Space Marine.esp
*Gunners Overhaul 1.1.esm
*More Power Armour Mods - Automatron.esp
*Power Armor Distribution Overhaul.esp
*Alien Encampments.esp
*dD-Enhanced Blood.esp
*dD - Screen Blood Duration Long.esp
*BPAO - Automatron Patch.esp
*BPAO - PAMP Patch.esp
*DV-Invincible Vertibirds.esp
*DV-Vertibird Explosive Minigun.esp
*WET Clearer.esp
*Prismatic - Laser Colors Institute by Diranar.esp
*Prismatic - Laser Colors by Diranar.esp
*Quick Save.esp
*GaussRifleMk2 - tAE - AWKCR.esp
*Lore Friendly Weapon Names - No more Assault Rifle!.esp
*Minigun Gau-19B.esp
*Deadly Fog 50.esp
*Armorsmith Automatron.esp
*Armorsmith Far Harbor.esp
*Fusion Gun.esp
*More Smarter Companions Mod.esp
*WM Chinese Assault Rifle - Standalone.esp
*Family Mauser.esp
*Misc Robot Weapons.esp
*Chad509's Deliverer Reload Replacer.esp
*Reload Sounds.esp
*Glowing Eyes.esp
*WM Heavy Machine Gun - Standalone.esp
*Sneaky Kills.esp
*Glowing Animals Emit Light.esp
*LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
*Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp
*Preston Garvey custom hair.esp
*M1Garand - AWKCR.esp
*Nuka World Bottle Fix.esp


Good luck!

Edited by burningfury
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