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ideas for mods involving scimitars!!!!! lets brain


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so the cs is due sometime this month and im thinking now would be a great time to suggest ways to improve my #1 favorite weapon in the game


so for my first mod request involving scimitars i want to suggest a reversed grip mod for em, it would be epic with my ninja sprint mod and my khajiit spellsword char


next was thinking about asking for a really good retexture for the scimitars in skyrim, right now im using a rune scimitars mod that looks great but honestly its a lil too arcane-ish for me lol, i would really like something that goes well with the ebony armor set, like black and silver with some engravings or something


so yeah the whole purpose for this topic is just for everyone to put out some ideas so we can tap into the potential of this awesome weapon!!!

Edited by DeadlyBlues
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