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REQ: The Greatest Mod Of All Time


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I know a lot of old fans will be like" WHY " and stuff but seriously if someone did create it.. u are not forced to install it..





Im proposing someone create a MOD that puts Oblivion inside it and either works side by side with skyrim or replaces skyrim and just copies all the textures,ui,sound and controls and everything cosmetic/leveling.


I would like to play Oblivion but with all the cosmetic goodness of Skyrim and its leveling system specially in the control department with X360 gamepads..




Is something like this possible ??

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Is something like this possible ??

No. Against the EULA, and most likely against the terms of Copyright. We are not allowed to take original assets, and we are not allowed to "steal" their work.

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i dont see how its theft of any kind ?


the mode created could simply be put into a bought games files and replaced just like any other mod.. plus both games are owned by same people..


I see no theft here i see standard mod idea just like any other overhaul mod that replaces UI,textures and leveling etc..

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i dont see how its theft of any kind ?


the mode created could simply be put into a bought games files and replaced just like any other mod.. plus both games are owned by same people..


I see no theft here i see standard mod idea just like any other overhaul mod that replaces UI,textures and leveling etc..


By replacing models and textures you got no proof the one using it got both games. You'd have to link the textures and models, which is against the EULA.

That said, it isn't as much a theft as just not allowed. Unless you take the actual asset from Oblivion, port them to Skyrim and sell the game as "skyblivion". However, it is against the EULA which we all agreed to when we decided to play/mod Skyrim.

And lastly, there is a big difference in me making an overhaul from scratch, from my own ideas, and snatching what is allready done by Bethesda. It's not allowed unless you've talked to Bethesda about it, which is going to be hard enough.

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you can make a mod of rebuilding the entire cyrodill, not move oblivion there that is aginst the EULA, but do you realise how much work it would take to make a mod with the CK of building cyrodill, if we have a fully trained team it would take 4 to 6 months, cyrodill is bigger than skyrim but since bethesda made all the textures,meshes and animation all we need now is the CK.
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