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Mod "No more sexy animation for Elderly women and children" missing USkP. Help?


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So I'm trying to make old women and children (girls) to not use sexy animations which I have installed. This mod is not on nexus anymore and I found a download link on some site I found on google. I am using USLEEP (Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch) but this mod requires USkP (Unofficial Skyrim Patch).

When I open it in TES5Edit it loads all the masters apart from USKP and says editing is disabled. Also there are only the master ESMs in the left pane and no sign of this mod. Which installed an esp.

Is there a similar mod which forces elderly women and little girls to use the default animations and supports USLEEP? Or maybe someone can help me make this mod work in TES5Edit because I don't know how? Thanks

Edited by himanshuvikal
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Unfortunately I don't know a more up to date alternative to said mod.


You can use the mod you've got though - it just requires some work cleaning its masters. Look at the very first sticky in the "posts" section of USLEEP: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214/? There Arthmore explains how to clean masters from mods depending on USKP.

Ok great! I'll look into it. Thanks.

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Unfortunately I don't know a more up to date alternative to said mod.


You can use the mod you've got though - it just requires some work cleaning its masters. Look at the very first sticky in the "posts" section of USLEEP: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/71214/? There Arthmore explains how to clean masters from mods depending on USKP.

Ok great! I'll look into it. Thanks.


Ok I tried to clean it following the Sticky post on USLEEP posts page. I sorted the masters but it has errors. So I can't use it. Anyone else know any other mod? How do you guys approach this issue of Elderly women and little girls using custom animation? Please let me know.

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