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Game Crashes Before Dark Brotherhood


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I just restarted my game with some new mods. I've never tried to go to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary before but now I'm trying to join. Whenever I get near to the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, my game crashes. It's always at the same point and I'm not sure why.

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Need more info.

Are you using Mod Organizer or NMM?

List out your load order. If you are using LOOT, go to the 3 dots in the upper right, click, and copy your load order. Then paste it here in a spoiler tag. [spoiler.] information [/spoiler.] without the periods of course.

What system are you using? Graphics card? Memory?

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0 0 Skyrim.esm

1 1 Update.esm


2 2 RaceCompatibility.esm

3 3 MFVM.esm

4 4 Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

5 5 HearthFires.esm

6 6 Dawnguard.esm

7 7 Dragonborn.esm

8 8 HoldsResources.esm

9 9 OSA.esm

10 a ETaC - RESOURCES.esm

11 b RSkyrimChildren.esm




12 c cmuse_yumi_adoptable.esp

13 d CharacterMakingExtender.esp

14 e EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp

15 f USKP Patcher for RaceCompatibility.esp

16 10 WeightlessScrolls.esp

17 11 WeightlessPotions.esp

18 12 WeightlessOreIngotsPeltsGems.esp

19 13 WeightlessFood.esp

20 14 WeightlessDwemerSmeltables.esp

21 15 WeightlessDragonClaws.esp

22 16 WeightlessDragonBones.esp

23 17 WeightlessCraftedPotions.esp

24 18 WeightlessAlchemyIngredients.esp

25 19 MFVM_ChildrenFight_Patch.esp

26 1a buildablehouse.esp

27 1b Northern Bathhouses.esp

28 1c BHTNF.esp

29 1d Tiwa44_Minidresses.esp

30 1e Tiwa44_Minidresses_Dragonborn.esp

31 1f TheEyesOfBeauty.esp

32 20 kankaraya.esp

33 21 HFMerchant.esp

34 22 LovelyHairstylesCE.esp


35 23 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp

36 24 1nivWICCloaks.esp

37 25 HoldsCityDawnstar.esp

38 26 HoldsCityFalkreath.esp

39 27 HoldsCityRiften.esp

40 28 HoldsCitySolitude.esp

41 29 HoldsCityWhiterun.esp

42 2a HoldsCityWindhelm.esp

43 2b HoldsCityWinterhold.esp

44 2c Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp

45 2d Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp

46 2e Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp

47 2f FNIS.esp

48 30 SkyUI.esp

49 31 RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp

50 32 RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp

51 33 RND_HearthFires-Patch.esp

52 34 RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp

53 35 RND_USKP-Patch.esp

54 36 ETaC - Complete.esp

55 37 ETaC - Dragon Bridge South.esp

56 38 Immersive Orc Strongholds.esp

57 39 Immersive Solstheim.esp

58 3a Immersive Whiterun.esp

59 3b showersininns.esp

60 3c RSChildren_NonPlayableOverride.esp

61 3d RSChildren_PlayableOverride.esp

62 3e RSChildren - Complete.esp

63 3f RSChildren_PatchUSKP.esp

64 40 HearthfireMultiKid.esp

65 41 HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp

66 42 Additional Children Clothes.esp

I'm using PC, I have an Intel® HD Graphics, 1792 MB

Edited by Nymph666
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No wonder your game is crashing. Your load order is not sorted. You may be using LOOT to sort, but you aren't clicking apply.

Your order should be
[You should be using the Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch instead of USKP, delete that]
[All your other .esm files]
HighResTexture Pack 1,2,3 (if you want to use them)
Unofficial High Res Patch (if you use the high res texture packs)
[All .esp files not mentioned elsewhere]
[Texture mods] (Mods that add to the graphics of your game. Water mods, weather enhancers, grass mods)
[body meshes/textures] (things that edit the appearance of you, NPCs, or creatures)
[All your animation mods] (anything FNIS updates)
Xp32 Maximum Skeleton Extended (You should have this and make sure you get Ragdolls and force as well)
Alternate Start LAL
[Any mod that LOOT prefers to go after this]



Because you are using ETaC, I would steer away from any large NPC editing mods like Immersive NPCs or anything like that. The large city editing mods don't play nice with them. I also would not use any other mod that edits things in cities unless perhaps it is in the interior locations only. So if you have more than one mod that tweaks with appearances in the cities, disable and chose only one.


Also, because you are obviously shifting around a lot of mods, I would start a new game. Anytime you move/alter/delete a mod, because Skyrim bakes scripts into your game, it can cause crashes if you do move/delete/alter mods.

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