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New Mod Impressions Series and Looking for Voice Acting Work


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I started up a new series after polishing off my youtube channel called Fallout 4 Arsenal where I basically give my impressions of weapon mods. This is strictly a hobby thing that I just wanted to share with fellow Fallout fans.








I also want to mention to mod authors who need voice actors that I am available to assist and I have family that stop by fairly often so I can also get some background chatter or what not from them as well. I am available most of the day and if I truly believe in the project I'll work on like a race horse! Basically if I get my lines in the morning you will get them back in the same day. I just need direction on how you want me to sound. My family visits me on most weekends and holidays so if you need female secondary voices or another male voice I'm sure they are willing to help.

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