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With friends like these dark brotherhood door option not appearing


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I'm a new player to PC new and to mods so I don't know much about the technicalities.


This is my second playthrough of Skyrim and my first time on pc. I don't have the new special edition release just the Legendary. I'm 50 hours into the game and finally gotten around to finishing 'with friends like these'. I started this quest around 20 hours in. The option for "Silence, my brother" will not appear for the door.


Most bugs i've found relating to quests or followers i've been able to fix by disabling mods or reinstalling them or changing resolution settings or console commands, but I cant figure this one out.


I've tried several things such as:




setstage db02 200 - Finishes the quest but won't trigger the door


setstage db02a 10 - starts the quest but I still can't get in



stopquest db02 - marker disappears from UI and map but entry doesn't disappear


resetquest db02 - does nothing


setstage db02 10 - I guess since the quest is still activated i can't go back on previous objective


I tried finishing the quest and reset (reset still never did anything) then player.moveto 0001BDE8 (Astrid) (tried Nazir but it doesn't work) but it only takes me to the shack. Sometimes she's still sitting on the shelf (with the sanctuary location dialogue) or another time she jumped down and had normal dialogue. No luck with the door.


I once saw on a forum ForceRefIntoAlias BlackdoorAlias but it does nothing




Finally I tried restarting the whole game on a test save using the setstage commands. The quest functions normally and the black door has the option, but eventually it crashed and then the whole game locked up and had to exit. When I tried to go back in the game froze at the startup screen before the continue or load options appeared so I removed the test files and it opened normally. (probably because finishing the quests through setstage didn't make some things function properly or get triggered, I finished some main quests and dawnguard and Innocence Lost through setstage. When I went to get serana from the fort she appeared as mysterious woman. When I tried to exit the fort that's when it froze.



For the mods; I don't think they affect the mission itself or the game. I won't list the mods (I have about 50+), but I will split them into categories.




Aesthetic - Enhanced lights and FX and Textures and such.


UI - Things like RaceMenu or SkyUI and AddItemMenu


Followers, NPC, Body replacers, and player presets- player presets for RaceMenu and several follower mods such as:


Follower replacers - Things like Seductress Serana or The huntress reborn Aela replacer


NPC and Body replacers - like CBBE or better males or no more blocky faces or skeleton extensions. plus some physics extensions.


Standalone Followers - Fully Voiced Followers like Recorder or Sofia. or Generic followers like Vivace.


Armor and Clothing - New 3rd party armor and clothing and armor replacers


Patches - Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch and some mod patches



The only notable one that I used to have is UFO, but it gave me some problems. It may have altered some things in the game. Some followers still have the clothes I gave them while using UFO.




I think that was everything.


Edit: through the 50 hours I've played i've gone through many mods which may have affected the game, but I don't know about them. I don't think they would be very notable

Edit: I also have SKSE which probably doesn't do anything notable either

Edited by 2323jjff
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If you are using LOOT to sort your mods, just click on the 3 dots in the upper right, then copy your load order and paste it here. It could be a load order issue. We wouldn't know until we see it for ourselves. None of the mods you mentioned by themselves are a problem, but where you place them could be. This is the general load order I use:


Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch
[other .esms]
HighResTexturePack 1,2,3
Unofficial High Resolution Patch

[uI mods] (Generally ones that don't have .esps)
[all other .esps]
FNIS (If you ever get it)
[Any animations] (if you ever get them)
XPMSE (if you get it, which I would suggest, along with Ragdolls and force. Some mods use this and don't list it as a required mod :confused: )
[Any mod LOOT sorts after it]

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I don't have LOOT. I'll download it but I don't think the problem is the load order. the quest worked fine on the test file. I assume the game doesn't have a certain flag on (or something) for the door.


I think this is the only door in the game that has dialogue so I think it the door functions as a character, but I don't know much about that. I've gotten glitchy followers to start following me again with certain commands or dialogue options to appear, but I don't know if there are codes for that specific door to trigger nor do i know nearly enough knowledge about the commands to test this theory.

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This is my new load order.

0 0 Skyrim.esm

1 1 Update.esm

2 2 Dawnguard.esm

3 3 HearthFires.esm

4 4 Dragonborn.esm

5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp

6 6 ApachiiHair.esm

7 7 hdtHighHeel.esm

8 8 SuccubusFollower.esp

9 9 HighResTexturePack01.esp

10 a HighResTexturePack02.esp

11 b HighResTexturePack03.esp

12 c UIExtensions.esp

13 d AddItemMenu2.esp

14 e HentaiSuccubusArmor.esp

15 f XPMSE.esp

16 10 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp

17 11 ELFX - Exteriors.esp

18 12 ELFXEnhancer.esp

19 13 ELFX - Weathers.esp

20 14 Seductress Serana.esp

21 15 Sexy Armor Replacer Patch.esp

22 16 Sexy Armor Package.esp

23 17 Merta Black Rose Armor.esp

24 18 RaceMenu.esp

25 19 RaceMenuPlugin.esp

26 1a SkyUI.esp

27 1b CiriHair.esp

28 1c Follower Map Markers-DG.esp

29 1d Follower Map Markers-DB.esp

30 1e Follower Map Markers-HF.esp

31 1f Vivace.esp

32 20 AuroraFollower.esp

33 21 SofiaFollower.esp

34 22 Recorder Follower Base.esp

35 23 schltz's character.esp

36 24 Sweet&Sexy Lingerie.esp

37 25 Follower Map Markers.esp

38 26 Follower Map Marker-Beacon Version.esp

39 27 My Home Is Your Home.esp

40 28 Wolfbikini.esp

41 29 ErynielElfV2.esp

42 2a TheEyesOfBeauty.esp

43 2b Follower Onean.esp

44 2c cuteLydia.esp

45 2d AelaStandalone.esp

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I would suggest your Load order to be:
Dawnguard <---
Dragonborn <---

1. If you don't have it, I'd suggest getting Ragdolls and force
2. I would have your character/follower mods a bit lower, probably at the bottom of your [esps] section.
3. While switching your masters might not do much, it may solve your problem, so I hope that helps with your issue.

Edited by snelss0
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I'm guessing by Ragdolls and Force you mean the mod Realistic Ragdolls and Force. I downloaded it and it replaces some things with XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended which will probably affect some other mods.


I will write an edit after i test whatever it does.


Edit: It did something? I don't know. it may have affected the physics and some mods but i don't know.



I've changed the load order to your suggestion and it's not affecting the door.




If I could find a specific command for the door (because I think it works like a character) it could give me the option.

I know this because I found a flag (or command or whatever it's called) for a follower (Serana specifically) which is "Turnoffcomewithme_var" which actually turns the option on or off. So I think you may be able to do that with most characters (ie: the Dark Brotherhood door).


So in theory I could do a command like: Setpqv "BlackDoorID" "Turnoffdooroption" False


When I did this with Serana the code looked like this: setpqv DLC1NPCMentalModel turnoffcomewithme_var false


The code didn't use the character ID XX002B74, but used this DLC1NPCMentalModel code. So, i assume i have to use a code similar to this.


I think the door has a character ID but I don't think the character ID would activate the flag.


I found different codes for her such as:








In order for the door to be activated I may need a combination of flags.

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I was able to find the command "coc" which allows me to teleport to locations.


I used the code: coc darkbrotherhoodsanctuary

It teleported me in.The quest continued to the next objective. I exit the sanctuary, but still won't let me use the door.


The next objective was Talk to Astrid

It seems that the game depends on me using the door option for Astrid to appear inside the sanctuary. Since the door is still unactivated, she didn't appear.


I used the code player.placeatme 0001BDB4 to spawn a copy of Astrid to me. she spoke her correct dialogue and i'm able to advance the quest.


The problem i have is that player.placeatme spawns a copy of the NPC which doesn't move the character itself. (Astrid's marker appears at the Abandoned Shack). This might mean that I will need to spawn a copy of Astrid multiple times during the DB Questline.


I tried using moveto player (which moves the base NPC I believe) but none of character codes work. 0001BDB4 nor 0001BDE8. It doesn't seem to work specifically inside the sanctuary.


I think this method might cause some problems later on.


P.S. The reason i made this reply is if some other unfortunate person who encounters this bug might try this. I seem to be the only one in all the forums I found that was able to work around the door, but I still have to fully test this method to see if it works properly.

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