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Problem modding fallout 4...


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So, I've had a problem for quite a while now to use the mod i downloaded for fallout 4. The problem i have is that, after i downloaded the game, i go into: Documents>MyGames>Fallout 4, But when i get here, the only thing that shows up is: ''Saves'', ''Fallout 4'', ''Fallout 4Custom'', and ''Fallout4Prefs''. There's no ''.ini'' at all which is required to get the mod. I've tried for hours now and i decided to make this thread.


NOTES: i added '',TEXTURES\, MUSIC\, SOUND\, INTERFACE\, MESHES\, PROGRAMS\, MATERIALS\, LODSETTINGS\, VIS\, MISC\, SCRIPTS\, SHADERSFX\'' as a video on Youtube told me to do that after STRINGS/

I also DIDN'T enter this through Steam, I Went on Documents.


I'd be very thankful for some help! Thanks.

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You have to start the game up for it to create theFallout4Custom.ini

Load the game, start a new game, and after you've gone through the character creation, save your game, then close it. The custom.ini should now be in your documents\mygames\fallout4 folder.

The 'Fallout4Prefs' and 'Fallout4' files that you mentioned are .ini files - it's possible that your o.s. is set-up to not show the file extensions.

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You have to start the game up for it to create theFallout4Custom.ini

Load the game, start a new game, and after you've gone through the character creation, save your game, then close it. The custom.ini should now be in your documents\mygames\fallout4 folder.

The 'Fallout4Prefs' and 'Fallout4' files that you mentioned are .ini files - it's possible that your o.s. is set-up to not show the file extensions.


I've already tried starting up the game, Quit, But nothing happends. i've made my character, and then when i saved and quit the game again, Another ''Fallout4Prefs'' came up. But there's no Fallout4Custom.ini at all. Nothing that i can see with ''.ini'' I've watched videos a´nd searched for hours and some told me to add some texts into the folders but nothing changed :/ Do you know any way i could fix this?


When i start up Nexus Mod Manager and choose Fallout 4, It says: ''Error. Unable to get write permission for: C:\Nexus Mod Manager\Fallout 4\Install Info''


BTW: Before it said it was unable to find any .ini files. Not sure right now.

Edited by Anton0202
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That feeling when you actually figure it out. mmmmm


Good on you.


The rabbit hole only gets deeper from here. Before installing any mods you should at least grab the loot tool, also available on nexus, and a bit later on you should look into fo4edit, the 2 most commonly used tools to remove conflicts in bethesda mods. I wish someone had told me about the importance of a correct load order from the get go. So at least download the loot tool, i implore you.


You will feel like you possess the entire power of 4chan when running 200 mods without conflicts, just you wait and see. But start small so that you have an idea what is wrong when your game eventually crash.

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