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circle of life


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you born,you get older,get married,have kids,and then die.

npc can die of old age,

same whit animals,they mates,have "kids",they hunt to feed their youngster and eventually die..


we have the weather mods,so like trees change according to the sesons,in summer the become yellow,in spring-green.in winter-white,and in fall they leaves will fall...


and so on and so forth..that is the circle of life


a mod like this,can it be done?(if only i knew how to mods,but i can't even draw a straight line :ohdear: )

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there is an elaborate schedule for Fallout 3 (It has the months, days, hours, and minutes), So, I'm 100% sure if someone learns how to utilize that schedule, they can certainly have it to where during certain months, the weather changes. Also, they can add that time schedule to the NPCs, and set for them to die in say 240 months (which is 20 years) for an old man to die. Or 744 months (62 years) for a young adult to pass away. Also, it could be set to at a random age (maybe 20-30 years of age) is when a child will appear (to have that feel that someone has had a child) and then they're set to live a certain amount of months (this will probably be the hardest of them all). This schedule could also be set to your character as well. After so many months, it will get to a day where your health begins to drain, all your stats drop to the lowest possible, and you cannot run, but only walk, and a message will appear saying something like "You have lived your life to the fullest. None shall forget you" if you have good karma, or "You're life was filled with evil and hate, and all shall hate your name for the rest of time!" if you have bad karma, or "You've made your mark on society, but now your time to pass has arrived" if you have neutral karma. Edited by Kry11ic
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I'm sure it could be done. The thing is, it's probably going to be very tough to utilize the schedule to do certain thing at certain times, But it's still there, so there should be a way to do it (I don't know how), but it seems very possible. But, once it can be utilized (mean, able to do things just based off the time) then they can apply it to the game and (hopefully) to other NPCs, including animals. It might also take a while to do this.
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I would personally LOVE to see this mod be made. that would just be amazing. though it would pose one major problem. well 2 actually.

Firstly the scenario behind their death. would they just pass away like peacefully in bed? if so where would it be? and would their bodies dissapear instantly? where their bodies be buried if they didn't dissapear at all? would it be possible to view a persons death yourself?

And that part there would pose the biggest issue. once an NPC dies normally you are by all means for the most part able to loot their stuff. their outfits and equipment and stuff of value. only things you cant loot are certain keys and special equipment made for that NPC specifically. but none the less would these NPCs respawn younger with those same items? or would they get NEW items. or no items at all other than the ones that aren't able to be looted? would the player beable to loot them each time they died? would the player themself also die like everyone else? would you beable to locate the dead body of your old self and loot THAT body? see there comes with an amazing idea one HUGE disastrous cheat exploitation. it would be a free duplication cheat with the catch that everyone must DIE and respawn.

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I would personally LOVE to see this mod be made. that would just be amazing. though it would pose one major problem. well 2 actually.

Firstly the scenario behind their death. would they just pass away like peacefully in bed? if so where would it be? and would their bodies dissapear instantly? where their bodies be buried if they didn't dissapear at all? would it be possible to view a persons death yourself?

And that part there would pose the biggest issue. once an NPC dies normally you are by all means for the most part able to loot their stuff. their outfits and equipment and stuff of value. only things you cant loot are certain keys and special equipment made for that NPC specifically. but none the less would these NPCs respawn younger with those same items? or would they get NEW items. or no items at all other than the ones that aren't able to be looted? would the player beable to loot them each time they died? would the player themself also die like everyone else? would you beable to locate the dead body of your old self and loot THAT body? see there comes with an amazing idea one HUGE disastrous cheat exploitation. it would be a free duplication cheat with the catch that everyone must DIE and respawn.

Ok, it's not a monstrous cheat or issue, you just haven't really thought of any solutions. the solution for your "infinite" loot could be, well, no, you cannot loot these people who pass away. It could be changed to where you find out they died, and have already been buried (but, game-wise, they disappear). That's one simply solution. Or, you CAN loot the bodies, but it would be considered a crime, and if caught, people would attack you (it is kinda messed up to steal things off of a dead guy's body). To prevent the "infinite" loot, well you can't, but have most of the loot be worthless. Like they can only take casual worn-out cloths, and a burnt book or something. Only occasionally have a few bottle caps. There. I just solved that problem very easily.

And, if you've read the last couple posts, we clearly discussed about the player being able to die. And, honestly, it would be retarded to be able to loot your old stuff, because then it would've been pointless to die if you just "re-spawned" in the same game save. No, when you die, that's it, the game's over (but obviously you can start a new save). Now, yea, it may sound like it's cheap and doesn't sound fun and would ruin the game... But you gotta realize how long it would take for the player to die. The average life would probably be somewhere in the 90's, and your character is 19. He's got a good 75-80 years ahead of him. That right there is 900-960 in game MONTHS! So, it's going to take a LONG time before the player dies. And, it will also give that feeling of "I gotta do this, because I literally don't live forever to do it!" but it's not such a short time to annoy and aggravate the player.

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so,any freelance modder to 'hire'?

i really doubt that someone will do this because if the player start with ~19 and you expect him to live more ~60 years

if you play on 30 per 1 time proportion that is a fast proportion


60 years ingame would take 2 years in real world...

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so,any freelance modder to 'hire'?

i really doubt that someone will do this because if the player start with ~19 and you expect him to live more ~60 years

if you play on 30 per 1 time proportion that is a fast proportion


60 years ingame would take 2 years in real world...

And the problem is? This guy isn't asking only for the player's death you know, it's something that would be nice to have. I've been playing fallout 3 ever sense the day it came out, so my character would've died at most 2 times by now. 2 years in real world, actually, I think is PLENTY of time to not only complete everything in the game, AND play around with all the mods that the person has installed.


But again, this mod isn't focusing mainly on the your character, it's focusing on the entire life patterns of all the NPC's and AI's.

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