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Aiding the Cause : Assisting the Empire/Stormcloaks...


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While playing through the Stormcloak campaign, was in one of the camps and a thought occurred to me for a mod idea. If you chop wood, farm and mine to assist the citizens, why can't you do so for your troops?


Imagine feeding and caring for the horses, chopping wood for the fire, cooking good meals for the troops and supplying weapons, armor and other services to your men. Assisting the quartermasters in keeping the troops supplied. Acting as a courier or even fetching supplies from other sources. It would boost their moral, and give you some sort of blessing or perhaps a bonus with their loyalty to you. Seeing the Stormcloak soldiers, huddled around a fire and a nasty Skeever on the spit made me feel sorry for them! Why can't I cook them some good food, heal their wounds or tend to their weapons? Hey, I'm just that kind of woman.


Imagine raiding an enemy camp and finding a tent full of wounded enemy soldiers. Sure, you could mercilessly put them out of their misery, or perhaps after taking out the camp you can heal their wounds and allow them to return to their homes? Or even join the cause. Or at least take them prisoner and have them transferred elsewhere.


On a related note, I can't help but feel the forts and camps taken down are too good to pass up for your own side. Transferring under-equipped, vulnerable camps to forts you've taken. Basically fulfilling the 'garrison' quests to the fullest.


This may be a simple task of some scripts, or it may need some real time and effort to put into it. I already spend enough time PLAYING the game, and I'm not at all experienced with modding.


So there's my two cents. I really should start putting out more of my ideas, though it's certainly not as good as actually making the mods myself. ^^'

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I would like to see the Civil War greatly expanded. The fundamentals are there, but, as you say, there is also a lot of room for improvement. A few thoughts of my own on this matter:


-Strategically speaking, the enemy should strike back. This cannot be overstated.

-Actual troop movements could take place using low-level processing, which would allow you to join the march to take forts or to waylay enemy units with similar goals.

-Patrols around camps and forts should be greatly expanded in range and number.

-Once you have achieved a certain rank, it would make sense for you to order at least one soldier to accompany you at any time - preferably more.

-As the OP suggests, more in-camp interactions would be nice.

-Catapults have a lot of promise. It would be nice to have them be craftable and/or portable (with NPC assistance).

-Long-term siege dynamics would be really really cool.


It's possible someone is already working on a civil war overhaul - if so, more power to them, and I hope at least some of these ideas have piqued your interest.


@NorthernMonkey: You can set the officers to non-essential using the console, or use a mod to disable all essential tags.

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