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I installed the stand-alone version of Thu'umic, I have Script Dragon and SKSE installed, but when I run Skyrim and try to shout, nothing happens. I launch the game with SKSE, by the way. Just nothing happens. It's frustrating. Do I need to do something to enable it after I play Skyrim or something? Do I need to hold a key?


My bluetooth headset is of course functioning :)

Edited by Rennn
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  • 2 months later...

I use to have the same problem as well but i figure it out the problem...


1. uninstall the thu'umic program

2. install it again

3. open the thu'mic program with administration

4. turn the safe shout too off (which mean pick the Off button below it, you know the Off , Safe , On button below safe shouts ''not the red dragon symbol'')

5. Go to setting swich off the PTT then save

6. test if your mic working with some shout like (Fus Ro Dah)

7. leave the thu'mic program on like that, don't change anything

8. Turn on SKSE and try it out. Good Luck :):)


*Remember don't adjust the mods with BOSS , it will just mess up your thu,mic..

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