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Appropriate NPC dialogue after combat?


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Almost everytime my character is killed, the hostile NPCs say something like "Oh well, must have run off" or other dialogues that refer to my character running away/hiding from combat instead of dying. I'd like to replace the dialogue with something more suitable or remove it from that situation completely. If there are any mods that do this currently let me know.

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Really? Because I believe they use appropriate responses for me, and I think its in vanilla Skyrim already. Start a new game with no mods checked, get to a point where you're alone with an NPC that wants to kill you (For example, head to Bleak Falls and let the bandits outside attack you), and as you're about to die, save. If they don't say anything appropriate, I may be wrong about the assumption, or maybe your game is corrupted. Can't say which for sure, though. If they say something appropriate, however, quit and add all the mods back in, and open your save again and see what happens. If no appropriate response, a mod is screwing you over, and you'll need to find the mod that does it. If appropriate response, something weird is going on with your original save, and you should just start fresh if it bugs you too much.


To recap:


Remove all mods (if mods are present)

Set up fresh save

Get into position at Bleak Falls

Save when almost dead

Do bandits make appropriate responses when you're dead?

  • Yes: Quit game and add all mods back in
  • Load up death save
  • Do bandits make appropriate responses when you're dead?
    • Yes: Have you reinstalled Skyrim due to this flowchart?
      • No: Your original save has gone wonky, and if this bothers you too much, abandon the save and start fresh.
      • Yes: That did it. You're welcome.
    • No: A mod is screwing with the responses, and you will need to manually test each mod with your death save to find the problem. Let me know if you reach this point, as you will likely need guidance to perform the testing successfully.
  • No: Have you already verified the integrity of the game cache?
    • No: Quit game
    • In Steam, right-click Skyrim and select Properties
    • Click the Local Files tab and click the button "Verify Integrity of Game Cache"
    • Let Steam verify the integrity
    • Does Steam report any files that needed to be replaced?
      • Yes: Wait for Steam to replace the corrupted files
      • Restart flowchart from the beginning
      • No: Proceed to the next line
    • Yes: Have you already reinstalled Skyrim due to this flowchart?
      • No: Are you willing to reinstall Skyrim?
        • No: There is either the possibility that I am wrong about vanilla Skyrim having appropriate responses to player death, or your game needs to be reinstalled, something you seem to refuse to do. So we may never know.
        • Yes: Proceed to uninstall and reinstall the game
        • In Steam, right-click Skyrim and select Properties
        • Click the Local Files tab and click the button "Verify Integrity of Game Cache"
        • Let Steam verify the integrity
        • If Steam finds any files that need to be replaced, wait for Steam to replace them
        • Restart flowchart from the beginning
      • Yes: Apparently, I'm wrong about vanilla Skyrim making appropriate responses to player death. My bad.
Edited by ShylokVakarian
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